Suggestions on fish for an aggressive 55gal


You could probably do a bluehead wrasse. I had one and I loved it until it jumped out

bluehead wrasses have tons of personality and you can really fall in love with them


not to steal this thread but i have a 75 and wanted a semiagressive tank would a faoxface lion sne and a tang beok?


New Member
I like what you have right now.If I were you I would get a longnose hawkfish(JUST MAKE SURE IT CANT FIT IN YOUR EELS MOUTH) A porcipine puffer would be good ,but by one small because they grow fast.A picasso trigger fish would be cool(IT MIGHT BE THE LAST THING YOU GET,AND IT MIGHT PICK ON YOUR NIGER TRIGGER FOR ABOUT 3 TO 4 DAYS)


New Member
I have a 46 gallon tank, it is doing well.I have a picasso triggerfish.I want a clown and a blue line and a bursa triggerfish.Could Ihave all those together? If I can at least have some of those together please let me know.


New Member
I also have a 55 gal aggresive tank that I am setting up.
I have 65 pounds of live rock,
a amazing young 3 inch darf zebra lion
flame hawk fish
ocellaris clown (adopted when my nieghbor took down his tank)
2 yellow tailed damsel (used for cycling)
various shrimp, crabs, and snails
My question was would it be alright to add a small 2" humu trigger to the mix or would that be overstocking it. My damsels are expendable and I can find a new home for the clown if need be. I plan on upgrading to a 180, but not till after this next year of college. Also, some say that the triggers nip at the lion fishes fins. I love the personalities of the triggers and would love to add one to my tank, but not if I will be really overstocking it or harming my lion.


I have a 55 G too. It's a great tank but I would like to upgrade to at least a 90, 125 or a 150 when I have more space. I've heard of people having both a niger trigger and a picasso trigger in the same tank. The picasso will give you some color. Can you put a blue tang in there. This will give a lot of color but a 55 may be too small.