Suggestions on next fish...


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Well my inmates are thoroughly enjoying themselves at the moment, but I think they are requesting a friend to keep them company.
I currently have a False Percula Clown and a Regal Tang (Juvenile), yes, finding nemo! Both are very happy and comfortable, my tank is a 70g reef.
Any suggestions on what I could next put in there?


Active Member
Hmmm lots of fish come to mind ....
jawfish (if you have a dsb)
some bangaii cardinals
a mate for your clown?
some green chromis (2 or 3 in a small school)
a flame angel or a coral beauty
some clown gobies
What are you looking for - a splash of color, slow moving majesty, conversation piece, something that moves in and out of the rock work (like a 6 line or 4 line??) .....
You have a lot of potential fish available to you at this point ... good luck ...


Active Member
Hey dude thanks for the ideas,
A small school of chromis sounds good....a splash of colour and activity was what i was really after, would a flame angel be compatible with a reef and my tang?
Anyone with any pics of chromis schools would be most welcome!


Active Member
:eek: :eek: :eek:
This is so a joke...hope everyone catches that.
Almost missed that line... :D
I think that the flame angel would not be a good idea for reefs since they have been known to nip at corals. If you can get a swallowtail angel, I would recommend it because they are beautiful and easy to take care of. They also are peaceful and will not bother other inhabitants. I used to have a female, but I guess she died of old age. :( Oh well.