suggestions on schooling fish


New Member
i have a 42g. 2 damsels, 1 clown, 1 eel, 1 tang. i wanted to get 3 fish that would school. i i want small ones w/ some nice colors, any suggestions?


New Member
my 3 stripe damsel picks on my other yellowtail damsel. do you think if i bought 3 chromis, he would tryand bully them around. i dont really wany anymore damsels. do you recommend anything else?


Active Member
Chromis are much more peaceful than the other damsels except clowns they also are usually not very mean


Active Member
Originally Posted by Enoch83
i have a 42g. 2 damsels, 1 clown, 1 eel, 1 tang. i wanted to get 3 fish that would school. i i want small ones w/ some nice colors, any suggestions?
Did I miss the posts where everyone commented on how overcrowded this tank is without adding Chromis???!!!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Did I miss the posts where everyone commented on how overcrowded this tank is without adding Chromis???!!!
You didn't miss the post, but that wasn't his question. I have learned in the past that when your answer doesn't correlate with the question, that it usually ends up heated...
THey have 3 fish in a 42 gallon, and we have no idea of the sump size or even if there is one... We could target the tang, the over crowdedness, or just simply answer his original question. I went the easy route...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
You didn't miss the post, but that wasn't his question. I have learned in the past that when your answer doesn't correlate with the question, that it usually ends up heated...
THey have 3 fish in a 42 gallon, and we have no idea of the sump size or even if there is one... We could target the tang, the over crowdedness, or just simply answer his original question. I went the easy route...
Fair enough... I guess I should have done the same thing.
Enoch83, there have been a lot of new posters originally, so if you haven't been welcomed to the boards yet the; Welcome!
There are many schooling fish available in the hobby. Some are compatable with your tank, some are not. As suggested, Chromis are a great choice, although they normally do best in a school of 6 or more. That would be too much for your tank. Also Anthias school, although they are not for beginners. Coral cats school when young, but they get huge, ugly and don't school. Engineer Gobies can school when younger imitating Coral Cats. Blue Reef Chromis school, but they seem to be harder to get a healthy specimen.
The biggest thing is to research your purchases. Most species of damsels are very territorial, grow quickly, and are not suitable for a peaceful reef tank. Eels can really move your rock around; make sure you have your rock secured. Tangs are not compatable for tanks less than 6 feet long; some suggest 4 feet.
The biggest thing to realize is that Marine Fish can't be crowded like freshwater fish. Your 42g tank is going to limit the number of fish you have.


New Member
ya you guys make some really good points. i want to take the 2 damsels out and replace them w/ 3 or more of the same kinda, just for aesthetics basically. i have a 75g sump, and my eel doesnt move around much of anything. i realize the tang is prob going to get too big for the tank, but my roommate really really really wanted one so he went ahead and did it. but thanks for all of the suggestions, i will be doin some research.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Enoch83
...but thanks for all of the suggestions, i will be doin some research.
That is the best idea possible. You'll find it works so much better that way. Too many of us here were lead down the wrong path by local fish stores when we first approached this hobby.
Good luck with it!