Suggestions on Stock List


I have a 180 FOWLR... I had 6 fish about three weeks ago lost 4 (still not sure why or what caused this...) tank has been running since September 2007... I lost Emperor Angel, Dog Face Puffer, and 2 Perclua Clowns...
I still have a Junv... Harliquen Tusk Wrasse (2.5-3 inches) and a Coral Beatuy Angel (3-3.5 Inches)
I have 180 lbs of sand and 180lbs of live rock...
Sump with Sock and Coral Life 125 Skimmer... I would like a total of 5 or 6 Fish... Ideas of what else I can add to my other two fish?
I am looking to start adding again in about a week and a half... it will have been a month since my problems with no other issues...


there are tons of possibilities.
you could go with a large angel
almost any type of tang
some less aggresive triggers
any type of wrasse.
you also might want to think of upgrading your skimmer. Especially with a large bioload like the list above.
by the way, do you have any pics of this tank?


I do have some pics I can send post later...
I was thinking of getting a Coral Life 250 Skimmer...
all of my fish before were 3-5 inches at largest... I was going to upgrade this summer on the Skimmer... orginally when buying the tank that is what they told me I would need... and of course never having a saltwater Tank I belived them...


I checked all levels and took water to two different LFS to test... PH 8.4 Nitrates 0 Nitrites 20 (I may have those two backwards) everything was normal on my test and the LFS said the same thing.... Took the one of the fish in and had him looked at also...
since I have done a 50 gallon water change two weeks ago... and the just letting everything cycle for two more weeks... which will have been a month... I will also be doing a 35 gallon change (I do that every Month) before I get anything


yes, you prolly have the nitrites and nitrates backwards. Odds are the nitrates were 20.
I have had a "wipe out" before and all you can really do is massive water changes like you are doing.
when you do go to purchase your fish, i would suggest you only buy one, just to make sure everything is going good in the tank.


that was my plan... like I said the Harliquen Tusk and Coral Beatuy are still in there and doing well... Coral comes out a lot more now actually... I want to start figuring out what I am going to add 3-4 fish total so I can plan the order...
and was looking for ideas
thank you very much!


your very welcome! Can't wait to see what kind of fish you decide on.