Okay, guys and gals......heres the deal. I had a 20 gal. high when I first started back into this after a few years away, and a few months ago I transferred everything into a 25 gallon long. I put the fish in a small aquarium with some water from the original tank, transferred everything over (water, live sand, live rock, coral), and then added the appropriate amount to top it off, then put the fish in their new home. NO problems (knock on wood) at all. NOW, my WIFE (YES, THATS RIGHT! THE WIFE!!! ) and I decided we are going up to a 55 or a 65. Any suggestions on how to do this with the least amount of trouble? I have to add live sand and more water, of course. The water added will basically be the equivalent of adding water during a 50% water change in my 25, so I don't forsee much problems there. I have nothing delicate in it at this time (no tangs, ect...), and the water in my 25 is currently testing pretty close to perfect (as I knock on wood AGAIN!). Sounds possible? AND WISH ME LUCK, TOO!