Suggestions on what to add to my 135 gallon tank


I am looking for my six and final fish too add to my 135 gallon fish only tank. I currently have a 5 inch blue hippo 3 inch yellow tang, 4 inch humu humu trigger and 2 two inch perc clowns. I am looking for any suggetions or ideas to put in there. I am having a lot of trouble with this so maybe you guys can help!


I would do a small school of anthias and a flasher wrasse. You've got the big fish, now add some little ones to give some life.


doesnt harrass anyone but he has been in there for a while and is food aggressive, i just would want him to mistake an anthias for food


True. It is a 135, have you tried feeding in multiple locations at once.
My Lyretails are evil little monsters...


I will give it a try, do anthias need to be in groups? i'll have to read up on them, never had them before


Originally Posted by mjm889 http:///forum/thread/383279/suggestions-on-what-to-add-to-my-135-gallon-tank#post_3351344
I will give it a try, do anthias need to be in groups? i'll have to read up on them, never had them before
They don't need to be in groups. Many people successfully keep one. If they're single, they usually turn to male. In groups, you'll get both genders. You're more likely to see them in groups simply because they school together and are sought after for that reason.
I think you might be okay with one of the bigger, more aggressive anthias species like a Lyretail. Curious to see what others say, espcially AquaKnight.


i went to lfs and asked and they all said the trigger would proably pick on a anthias. What about eels are they tough to take care of


I well tell you eels from my experience are the easiest hardiest things to take care of. I have a snowflake in a 55 and he has been in there with many other fish and never picked on them. I lost most of my fish except a bar goby and the eel to ich. VERY tough little creatures.


Sorry for the late response. I feed him about 3-4 silverside fish every 3 days with those long feeder tongs. Dont ever let one get a hold of your finger!


so i bought a snowflake eel which turned out to be a diaster, he slipped his way into to the overflow box made it through the wet dry bio balls and all and started to swim through the intake were the pump is. I woke up to eletricity smell, like it was burning. to find that my snowflake eel was caught in the pump dead. fried my 200 gen x pump, no my poor other fish i have two little power heads running until my pump comes in on thursday or friday, lets just say i am done with the eels.
my 14.00 eel cost my 200.00 in the end!!


I had a snowflake eel jump out of the only possible spor to jump out of in a 55 gal. I had years ago. It was no more that a quarter size hole in the lid for the tank and I found him dead behind the tank a week later. I wouldn't say that your next fish has to be your last I have a 130 gal. and have six fish already and plan to add at least 4 or 5 more and 2 of them will be 4-5 inch large angels. That is what I would add if I were you a large angel it is something that can stand the agressing of a Huma huma and a large hippo tang which aren't the nice little dory fish that many think they are they can be very aggresive also. Something like an adult blueface or emporer just stay away from the Majestics because they are the shyest of the large angels.


thats what i was thinking a koran,emperor, or blue face angel, then i would be set with 6 fish in the 135gallon, good call


Also i agree with you on the blue hippo tang being aggresive, mine runs the tank even over the humu humu, you should see them when comes to algae sheets they battle it out, i have to put two small sheets on each end to make everyone happy


Ya my dad has a 300 gal. tank and he has 5 or 6 larger angels and a sargasum trigger and he had to trade the hippo in to the lfs because it was so aggresive it even terrorized his 5 inch passer angel and the hippo is only about 3 inch. It even bothered a larger pair of clowns for no reason.