suggestions please


Active Member
due to some financial diffictulty, i have decided to downsize and condense my 135 and 30 into my 54 corner. i would like it to be mainly sps (top half) and lps/softies (bottom half) if possible. what are your suggestions about transferring sand and live rock w/o causing a cycle?
i was planning on putting 2 koralia 4's in the tank giving me almost 50x in the display plus the return pump (mag5) and skimmer (oceanrunner2500) my lights will come from my frag tank - aquactinics tx5 5 x 39w. will there be too much flow for sand? maybe not if i point the ph's up? idk.
does anyone have suggestions for me on the best way to do this?? thanks


Active Member
i love the k4's in my 30. serious flow. about 2400gph total. the 54 is a corner. sides are 34" (i think) about 24" high, and 36" from corner to corner across the "bow"


Active Member
i would start by making room for corals in your 30g and move the rocks and big corals over to that tank. then set up the corner and start it running with some seasoned tank water. you can use some of your existing sand and then start transferring in some of the LR. this should have the ready with no cycle. when you are sure everything is stable, start transferring the rest of it.


Active Member
Jeff, I think no matter what,as soon as you start moving things around.. you will have a small cycle...But nothing to worry about. When I removed my CC and replaced it with LS, I had a small cycle. Your brother suggested using the exsisting water...thats fine...but the good bacteria does not live in the water coloum. I say get some new "dead sand "..Move half of the LR to the new set-up..Take some of the old LS and put it in panty hose and set it in the tank for the good bacteria. Let it go a little while...then move the rest of the stuff. I also recommend letting me get you some NSW and start the new set-up with that. I will be happy to help you...just let me know when you are starting,and I will be there.


Active Member
thanks brett-
i'm having my tonsils out monday. i'll be home for the next 2 weeks. i'll probably get it done during that time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
thanks brett-
i'm having my tonsils out monday. i'll be home for the next 2 weeks. i'll probably get it done during that time.
Sounds good....Maybe we can get it done before Thanksgiving. I didnt even think they removed tonsils anymore...and a 2 week recovery???


Active Member
yeah - basically incapacitated for 3 days or so. much much much worse as an adult than a kid. much longer recouperation too. the plus will be the prescription painkillers!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
then set up the corner and start it running with some seasoned tank water.
ah, the technicalities......