Suggestions please


New Member
Ok live in near chicago and had an issue in the how a water pipe burst in 4 places and ruined the living room carpet. Which brings me to my issue..... what is the best way to breakdown move temporarily and reset an established 125gal tank??


Well-Known Member
1. put all fish and corals in an already established aquarium.
2. move your live rock to bins with pre-mixed and aged saltwater.
3. empty tank of water contents, save 50% of the water.
4. Move the tank with the sandbed intact. Muscle it up, get a few guys over. Be sure to have beer.
5. Put everything back in the tank, the rock, old water, and new water. Let it run and wait for a small ammonia spike.
5. Once mini-cycle is over, put fish, coral and other living creatures back into the tank.
Simple, neh?


Active Member
Moving a tank that big is a major (really major) task.
Is there any way to get to the pipe from the other side of the wall?
If not, then I guess you'll have to move it. How long will it need to be out of that spot? If it's only a couple hours, what I'd do is purchase several large rubbermaid type bins. Put your fish in one, your corals in another, and your live rock in a third. Place them in a room heated to at least 76 degrees. A small powerhead should keep things moving enough to where you won't have any problems.
If it's longer, you'll have to do above, then set the big tank back up, then tear it all down again to move it back.
The substrate is going to be the tricky part. It's gonna be difficult to take it out then put it back in without making a mess of the tank. You may wish to replace it while you are at it. Provided you have a lot of live rock, you should be able to get away with doing that without causing a huge problem.


i just emptied my tank to level it out home depot hase 18g plastic totes on sale 3.88 each i bought 7 for my 75g the totes are kinda cheap so i only filled them half way in one tote i put fish(2) heater and korila. The sand i left with water on top and scooped into bucket reset the tank filled it back up let sit 48hrs checked levels no spikes put fish back in


New Member
thanks for the suggestions. I think I will go with the drain into totes and move it just needs to be moved long enough for them to install new carpeting. so I figure a couple of hours max. and this give me the chance to re-arrange my tank