Suggestions to remove surface film...

fish fry

Hey everyone,
My new 30 has been set up for a week or two and I noticed they way I have the PH set up I am getting a slight film on the surface of the water.
I do not have a skimmer on the tank, nor am I planning on adding one.
The overflow I have gets its water from a powerhead 1-2 inches below the surface of the water. I am probably just going to to adjust the so it draws more water from the surface area. But I figured I'd ask to see if anyone has any ideas.
Fish Fry


aim a powerhead across the surface of the water. this should help break it up and push it to your filter. this will also help o2 your tank. any reason your not planing on getting a skimmer ? just wondering
You will need to get a overflow that takes water from the top of your tank, trust me on this one. That film that you have will only get worse as time goes on, it will get like a oil slick on the top of your tank. Once i put the over flow in there the oil slick went away.
[ December 12, 2001: Message edited by: Bobothewizard ]

fish fry

Thanks for the suggestions.
Nosmada - The tank is a desktop tank set up in my bedroom, so I'm looking for something as quiet as possible.
The last tank I did a couple of years ago went well with a skilter and a light bio-load. When I finally upgraded my system and increased the bio-load I found with all the pumps and overflows it sounded like a jet taking off. Plus the pumps added too much heat to my water.
I'm planning a large tank once I move in the next year or so. So until then this tank is my little expirement. I'll be using macro-alage for filtration plus a DSB. I'll keep everyone posted on its progress.