

I am looking for some suggestions on possible additions
I have a 110g 72 x 18 x 18
Presently I have the following:
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Koran Angel
2 Perculas
1 Coral Beauty
1 lta
1 condy
2 green brittle stars
1 engineer goby
and several mushrooms
75 small hermits
5 large snails (going blank on type).
I also have:
a snowflake eel
a dwarf fuzzy lion
However, I am thinking of getting rid of them because I never see them and honestly when my two daughters ask me "Daddy why did you get them if you never see them." I have a rough time arguing with them (even though they are 4 and 7).


Active Member
How about a Butterfly fish? Maybe Threadfin, or Longnose.
How long have you had the eel? They typically become more "friendly" over time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Mystery wrasse!!!
There you go Campbell, He will like your suggestion until he see the $$$ pricetag


Active Member
Scotts fairy wrasses are nice and peaceful and your current fish will not bother them. Other fairy wrasses are nice too but you have to get rid of the lion and the eel or you will be way over stocked. Both the Koran angel and the sailfin will out grow your tank. It would be best if you research before you buy as the Koran angel can grow to 16 inches and the sailfin to 24 inches. Lesley


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lesleybird
Scotts fairy wrasses are nice and peaceful and your current fish will not bother them. Other fairy wrasses are nice too but you have to get rid of the lion and the eel or you will be way over stocked. Both the Koran angel and the sailfin will out grow your tank. It would be best if you research before you buy as the Koran angel can grow to 16 inches and the sailfin to 24 inches. Lesley
Man, that 2 foot Sailfin will look funny in your 125 gallon tank!!!

Sailfins only get to 15 inches in the wild, in your tank about half that, you are fine IMO, just keep your water quality high, both those fish will let you know if you don't.


Ok I took the sfe and dwarf fuzzy back (got $10 credit per, Oh well).
However, this morning I awoke to see my engineer goby (I really liked him)
hanging in the p.h. (unfortunately not alive).
So I now have:
2 percs
1 sailfin (the 7-10" version
1 koran angel
1 coral beauty
condy, bubble tip
1 coral banded
couple of mushrooms and clean crew
Now any new suggestions


Spiny head blenny's are super cool imo. They sit in their holes all day long w/ their heads hanging out, mouths open and eyes going in different directions. Best way to describe it is, put your head back, open your mouth, rolls your eyes in different directions and then roll your head around. That and they dart in and out of their holes super fast durring feeding. Very cool to watch and my friends kids love them. My LFS has 3 of them in their 150 DT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
Ok I took the sfe and dwarf fuzzy back (got $10 credit per, Oh well).
However, this morning I awoke to see my engineer goby (I really liked him)
hanging in the p.h. (unfortunately not alive).
So I now have:
2 percs
1 sailfin (the 7-10" version
1 koran angel
1 coral beauty
condy, bubble tip
1 coral banded
couple of mushrooms and clean crew
Now any new suggestions
I love Tangs. What about an achillies or a yellow bellied Hippo?
I have a Naso and a Hippo in mine and love them to death. If I could, I would add an achillies in a heart beat.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I love Tangs. What about an achillies or a yellow bellied Hippo?
I have a Naso and a Hippo in mine and love them to death. If I could, I would add an achillies in a heart beat.
I already have a sailfin in there could I add another in my 110g? It is 6' long.


As far as additions I would like to add a wrasse but any suggestions on the reef safe kind. I'd love an adult coris but I think they'd destroy my hermits, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
I already have a sailfin in there could I add another in my 110g? It is 6' long.
I have seen it done before. I would say go for it! Get the Achillies!!