

New Member
Hi !!! I was just wondering what the best kind of fish to start off with in a tank would be. My son just got a saltwater fish tank and he knows a lot more about it then I do. I really want to get him an exciting fish to add to his new tank. What would you recommend?:) thanks for the help


New Member
the tank is about 150 gallons and he put 2 carpet anemones in it, along with snails and 5 peppermint shrimp. no fish yet


you have alot of options with a tank that size. how long has it been cycled? do you have any live rock? is this going to be a reef or fish only tank? sorry for all the questions, but it makes it easier to recommend something. if you are looking for something with alot of personality and is very interesting at the same time how about a longhorned cowfish. its my favorite fish. they do have a tendency to get ich if they are stressed by agressive fish. so if you want to keep triggers and other agressives it is out of the question. heres a pic of mine.


New Member
the tank is about a month old and i really don't want to spend over $75. My son is in school all day and has track practice at night so I need something that isn't too high maintenance either.
well if it's not going to be a reef tank and your only looking at 75 bucks ,plus your tanks only a month old . Some fish need established tanks to thrive. I would suggest a trigger but thats just my option.


you could add a yellow tang, but watch out if you go to addd another tang later on down the road. The yeelows seem to get really territorial. If you add another tang later try to get one that is not the same color. This is just my opinion, but I really like tangs , so good luck, ricky


You could also add a few green chromis. They are reef safe and are a cool fish. They are cheap, and make a great peaceful adddititon to a reef. Just make sure that you buy two or more. They do better in groups becausethey are a school fish. They will pretty much eat any type of food that you put into the tank. Hope this helps


If I had a tank that big I would get 3 firefish gobies. They are such pretty peaceful fish.


lyretail anthias are not very agressive at all. just make sure you only get one male per tank or they will fight. you could get 1 male and like 3 females and they will school together nicely.


You may want a clown to see if your son can get them to pair up.. It's cool to watch them swim in with the anenomea.

small reef

I would suggest a pair of percula clowns or maybe one tomato clown. Green Chromis are nice to and are very easy to take care of. Firefish are cool fish too, unique shape...lots of color. Easy to care for.


Active Member
hey alti,
lyretail anthia's i know they are schooling fish, but would you recommend 1 or would it need to be in a group in my 55, after it is established? Its going to be a mushroom/polyp/low light reef tank.
Long Horned Cowfish also, i think they are very cool, do you think it would be safe in a reef with smaller fish, or will it eat and fight with them?