Suicidal fighting conch


I've got a 36g bowfront, not a ton of live rock but about 20#. The way I've got it stacked up, it's taller at the ends, and shorter in the middle. I've got a Fighting Conch, who has grown to about 6-7" (soon to be transported to a bigger tank). He seems to have found this new "game" where he'll climb onto the middle rock, then to the taller rock, and then finally jump off the edge, which is probably about 12-14" down! He hasn't hurt himself that I can see, and can flip himself back over no problem. I'm more concerned that he's gonna crush a fish or invert who is down there!
Anything I can do aside from stacking up the rocks so he can't climb them, or is this a relatively normal thing?


I think conchs just like to get into danger. My old conch used to jam himself into crevices and I would have to take apart my rockwork just to extricate him, and he would promptly do it again a few days later. I often wondered how he could possibly have survived in nature...
As to your actual question, you could try re-aquascaping to prevent him from getting up there, but it's probably not a big deal, in my opinion.