Suicidal fish...

jim mcgonigle

New Member
I've had a 29 gallon running for about a year and a half. For the last 9 months it had a cleaner shrimp, firefish and clown. I put a flame angel in almost 2 weeks ago.
Yesterday, the firefish just jumped out of the tank. Luckily I was there and heard it and put him back in within 10 seconds.
So, do you think that the reason the firefish jumped was because of the flame angel or was it just "one of those things"? The flame doesn't seem to be harrasing anyone.
I guess my only choice if the firefish has more issues is to remove him from the tank? Not looking forward to that based on the fact that he's fast and hides in the liverock all the time...
PS I now have the tank 100% covered, so he isn't going to escape...


Well, if you were there didn't you see the tank? if you want to know for sure pay close attention to what the flame does when the firefish goes near him and vice-versa

jim mcgonigle

New Member
I was there, but wasn't watching at that exact second. The flame angel usually just swims by the firefish. They don't seem to care about each other. About the only thing I can figure so far is that the angel swims through the rock more than anything else i have in the tank including the places where i know the firefish hides. Maybe this upsets him. I guess I'll keep my eye out.
My big worry now is the firefish hasn't shown his face since I put him back in the tank.


firefish are known jumpers and sometimes they just jump. i have read many a post about people losing there firefish fish from jumping.


Did you put a screen over or a piece of glass? Because I've been told that the top of the tank should never be coverd, unless with a screen.
I have a fire goby that used to jump all the time, so I put a screen over some prts to deture him and it's worked so far.

jim mcgonigle

New Member
Piece of plastic attached to the glass cover.
Why shouldn't it be covered? It will help prevent evaporation also. Its not like its air tight since the power filter and other cords have holes in the cover.
Just curious now...


I Thought the same thing but I was told by my pet store dude that it was a bad Idea..try posting on the "reef tank" board maybe someone there will know....I would love to know why it is too.


How about one of the Sharks jump in on this one, I've never heard of not covering your tank. Mine is completely covered execpt fot the 4 1 1/2 " holes for plumbing and power cords and I have no problems.


my guess, would be for gas exchange. If you complety cover it the gas exchange rate would decrease, ur fish would breath heaver, from lack of oxygen, and some of you levels might change, part of the Nitrogen Cycle. i belive. not sure if im correct or even in the ball part. thats just what i think. also, u should have a ph rippleing the top of the water to help increase ur gas exchange.

jim mcgonigle

New Member
Thanks all. He seems to be doing fine, out and eating just like nothing happened. I guess he got unlucky and jumped out...
I would love to have more than 1, but w/ a 29 gallon tank, 3 fish is my limit.


Active Member
i dont cover mine at all.. with mh id would be cooking my fish in there.. the only prob ive have, is they like to end up in the overflow once a month.. (firefish/6-line)