Suicide.....or poison?


Hello --
Last night immediately after feeding my fish I noticed one of my blue chromis start to bug out in between my live rock and start to do back flips. Then just lay on the ground and started to convulse then stopped moving. Anyone ever seen anything like this before? The way I see it (but I don't know much) there are three possibilities -
1) The food he ate got him -- I feed all fish a homemade combination of shrimp, scallops and other seafood I buy from the store. I have used this batch for over 3 months and have never had a fish die though.
2) Clown fish -- One of my percula's gets particularly aggitated when he goes near his anemone but the chromis wasnt even close. Also - I don't think he would react like that from an attack.
3) He's just crazy
Any ideas? I really am clueless and want to try to find out so I can prevent this from happening to others.
Also, his body drifted in a cave before I could get him out. In order to get him I'll have to move a lot of my rock and I just got how I wanted it so I would like to avoid this. Can I just let my hermits get him ( I have one very large red hermit about 3-4") or will his dead body be an even bigger problem.
Thanks a lot for reading and helping I know this is kind of long.
- Tim


by the way it is a 90 gallon with about 100 lbs. of live rock and the little chromis was only an inch or so. I have plenty of hermits, snails and other guys to pick at him.


Active Member
I had the same thing happen a few months ago. Did lots of research on here and never did find out what happened.