sump and fuge -- help please


I have a 58 gal oceanic that I want to set up reef. I just got a 22 gal sterilite tub to put underneath for fuge/sump. I bought a 65 Watt grow lamp for the fuge. I bought southdown for the tank and the fuge. I have no idea what to do next. Is there a book with pictures or can anyone suggest how to procede? Pictures would be key, as I have never done a DIY project on my tank before.
The oceanic is not drilled, but I'm going to have it drilled. I think I want to do something like dvskin, where there is a rectangle of the sump sectioned off with no sand in it, but I'm not sure what materials I should use to make it.
Basically, I need all the help I can get.
thanks. :)


heres what i did...i went out and bought a large 40 gallon rubbermade container, then i put a ten gallon turtle tank inside the container, i elevated the ten gallon with 4 PVC pipes on each with the container and the tank in the middle you have the base for a sump/ the ten gallon will be your refugium and the container will be your one end of the sump place your return pump and at the other end will be where the water flows into the'll need to get a T valve and split off the waterflow, have most of the water going into the sump and have the rest flowing into the refugium, the refugium will just spill the water out so dont worry about that, now make sure you have ball valves on each of the lines into the sump and refugium that way you can control water flow to both...


Hmmm... So I have a 22 gal, Would you suggest a 5-gal tank for the refugium? But I originally thought the sump would be relatively small and the refugium would be most of the 22-gal container.?


that is completely up to you on how big the sump or refugium is...what i told you is just one of the many options you have...
but it is one of the easier and more fool proof...if you have a 22 gal container you could use maybe another rubbermaid container inside of it so it would take up less room....
talk to broomer...he's the sump lol but he could give you more ideas if you dont like those...
Do a forum search for some of the topics you have questions about. You will get alot of information right away, without waiting for a response from someone. There are alot of sump/ fuge set-ups that people have discussed in previous posts.
Good Luck