Sump and Sand


number 1
i am not able to get a Calcium Carbonate based aragonite sand here in australia so i wanted to know if there is another alternative that is better than CC, ie a calcium based sand that is not an aragonite??
number 2
if i can not afford a third tank (display, QT and Sump) am i able to make a sump out of some other object such as a plastic tube, and how big should it be in relation to size of display tank.


there are alot of rubbermaid containers out there pretending to be sumps and refugiums. The thinner ones will need the lid on, just cut a hole in the center so you're left with a frame around the outside.
The bigger the better but size really depends on what equipment you plan to keep and the GPH of turnover you plan to put through it.


please guys need to know what type of sand i can get as a Calcium Carbonate based aragonite sand is not availible in Australia. should i get a silica based sand instead of CC and if so what exaclty should i look 4.
"BUMP 4 ME":help:


can't you get it shipped? Let me guess outrageous shipping huh? I doubt you'll find southdown sand either. Most of the silica sands are brown and not too appealing IMO. try or whatever. Good prices, maybe it'll be an option even if shipping is high.
get your butt down to the beach and take what you need. :)


Active Member
Silica sand is a better alternative to aragonite sand compared to CC...
The silica sand has a finer grain size/structure (more surface area for bacteria) and will pack in a tighter layer than CC, so it won't become a detrius trap...
Look for "sand blasting" silica, generally an "off white" close to aragonite in color...


i was thinking of just taking sand from the beach. if i do take sand from the beach, is it fine to go straight in or is there something i should do to make sure its ok.
becasue the waters in South Australia are cold will it cause the bacteria and any organisms in the sand to die when i place them in a 82 degree tank (i would think so) so should i dry it out first, or will they be fine and provided me with live sand.


I really don't know, it's a good point. What I would try though....putting the sand and NSW in a container and slowly raising the temp to match your tank. :notsure:


im thinking if i just dry the sand out so i know its ok, and then placing it in the tank. im getting LR so the bacteria will be able to spread to the sand from that.


Being home to the Great Barrier Reef, Aussies ought to know everything about corals! Any beach sand you find that is Calcium Carbonate based will dissolve in vinegar, a very easy test. Silica/quartz sand is not recommended because it fuels diatom growth. The Calcium sands tend to help buffer the coral's demand during skeletal growth.
William Fisher


Active Member

Originally posted by wildemon
Silica/quartz sand is not recommended because it fuels diatom growth.

Not true...:nope:
Silica is different than silicates and different than silicone...
The first is closely related to glass and the third holds it together and the two are already an intregal part of your tank...
Silicates generally come from your water and feed Diatoms, an outbreak of which will give you the "Deadly Brown Sludge"...
Silica sand is inert and will not affect your tank...


Active Member
"Pure" silica sand is white...
If it is tinted or colored (red,brown,gray) it has "impurities" in it and may cause you problems...