sump and skimmer question about plumbing


New Member
hello all, I have a 50 gallon tank not setup and I want to have a sump system. I will silicone a piece of plexiglass in one corner and make slits in it at the top so all my water flow comes off the top. How do you get the water to your sump? I would like to cut a hole in the corner of the tank to make a gravity flow, but if I use a open container sump (10 gallon aquarium) won't it overflow? If I pump it down to the sump I will still have this same problem. What do you suggest? I want to use a skimmer that sets in the sump so I can just have a sump pump that pushes through the skimmer and back up to the tank. Please help me with a diagram or anything. I'm trying to get all this stuff figured out before I start cycling my tank. thanks greg :help:


If you do a google image search for "sump" or "aquarium sump" you will find all kinds of pictures of what you are talking about. If your 50-gallong tank is not drilled, or reef-ready then search for "overflow" or "corner overflow" or "durso standpipe" or "durso". You can also search this site's equipment forum for all of the above and you will find tons of pictures of this stuff.