Sump - Bubble Factory


Active Member
Need some help please.
I'm using a lifereef (single) overflow to provide drain to my sump/fuge. Water flows into partition 1, then over a weir to partition 2 which has dsb, lr, macro, then over partition 3 to a mag 7 for return.
The drain line is under water in partition 1 and blows a ton of bubbles. The water, still with some bubbles flows through partiton 2 and then to 3 where the mag 7 returns to the tank many, many tiny bubbles.
Any recommendations to reduce or eliminate those bubbles?


Active Member
Common guys/gals. I know I'm not the first one to experience this problem.
Any help for a plumbing challenged board member?:confused:


Active Member
I placed a sponge under the discharge of one of my drainlines.
Gotta clean it out often - like real often.
But it almost completely eliminated the bubbles from this one drainline.
I used a sponge that came with the Magdrive pump.
I know - the sump is all nasty ( but the tank's clean ;) )

bang guy

I invented the bubble eliminator sketched below. Feel free to modify the design to fit under your tank.


looks more like a really complicated pipe... :D
I installed a small chinese soup container with holes at the bottom of my intake, no more bubbles
And it doesnt effect water flow to much you could also put a small rubble rock inside.
Cheap and easy!