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Howdy my name is Tyler and I've posted on here in the past asking questions here and there but, now the big day has finally come to here i can start on the saltwater aquarist expedition. Ok so I'm completely new to this thing, I've finally saved up to get my tank a 90gal. Acrylic tank

For some reason though i just cant understand how this whole overflow/sump/ external pump is supposed to work. I want to have a closed loop system run in my aquarium and figure i will have a maximum of 4' head pressure. So I'm figuring i will need a pump that can handle 1800gph since I read in the 101 tips thread that optimum flow or turn over rate is around 20times per gallon. So Im guessing 27 inches of linear flow is needed for the overflow and a minimum pipe daimeter of 1.75", to give 1800gph of flow out of the tank to supply the external pump, now my confusion comes in at the sump and protein skimmer, if im flowing 1800gal into a 20tall sump tank and my pump is flowing out 1800gph creating a constant equilibrium in the sump tank, how do i not overload the protein skimmer that is only rated for 255gph flow through rate? I'm having as follows, from left to right in the sump a drain from the tank, to the sump going through filter media and a set of baffles, the protein skimmer, then a fuge with another drain from the dt to the fuge, then through a screen to the external pump back through to the dt. If any one can help explain this, that would be great. Also would the AquaPro HQI 2x150W be enough light to sustain a healthy coral and annemone community? Thanks and sorry for the lengthy post.
Congrats on the new tank purchase!!!!! What is the size of the overflows? How many overflow? What is the hole size of the overflows.....1800gph through the sump is really alot of flow IMHO....You should be in the range of 3-5x tank volume through the sump.......A 20 gallon tank will never be able to hande IMO 1800 gph of flow through it.......
As far as the CL that is totally independent from your DT pump/sump system.....That is were you would want to make up your flow requirements; with either bulkheads and pumps, or with powerheads such as Tunze, Koralia's etc......
The skimmer again has requirements as far as what it can handle/process....What type of skimmer are you considering using? Even in the event the skimmer is plumbed/fed from the overflow, your skimmer needs would be way less. Even with the skimmer sitting in sump, the skimmer isn't/can't process all the water that passes by it.....You will just need to purchase a skimmer that is suitable to your size tank, and you should consider or take into account what your bioload might be. Meaning that if you have a tendency to stock your tank heavy, and the skimmer is border line in efficiency; you'd be better served stepping up to the next skimmer size, but that's another whole discussion in itself.
You should be able to fit something bigger than a 20 gallon tank under the 125. My theory is make your sump as large as you can fit. If you check out melevsreef.com and go through his site, you will have a whole better understanding of a sump/overflow setup and see examples of good/excellent designs that work......Marc Melev is an excellent source of info, and his site has tons of other helpful info and ideas as well.