Below is my sump design that I am considering. This is going into a 75 gallon tank and underneath a 225g display. The return pump is a ~1700gph iwaki. The dimensions that I am figuring would put 11.5g in the skimmer section, 16.5 gallons in the return section (assuming completely filled, it wouldn't be), and 24.5 gallons in the fuge section. Those dimensions leave about 22.5 gallons for overflow in the case of a full return section. Would you change anything?
Also, how thick should the glass be? Is 1/4" the minimum? And what width should it be cut to in order to allow proper adhesion with the silicon? 1/16" less than tank width? How much flow am I leaving on the table if I plumb the intake of the pump over the tank instead of drilling a bulkhead?
NOTE: Attachment drawing not to scale. ;-)
Also, how thick should the glass be? Is 1/4" the minimum? And what width should it be cut to in order to allow proper adhesion with the silicon? 1/16" less than tank width? How much flow am I leaving on the table if I plumb the intake of the pump over the tank instead of drilling a bulkhead?
NOTE: Attachment drawing not to scale. ;-)