Sump disaster - cracked glass


We've had our first major disaster with our 180 gal FOLR setup. I woke up the other morning to see a HUGE arc'd crack (going from top to bottom) in our sump's glass. The crack was not along any seam and was in fact in the middle of the glass.
I'm not sure what caused it, but the damage that was done was pretty bad. I figure it probably leaked around 20 gallons onto our floor.
We got everyone out of the main tank and moved to the fish store where they are holding them for us.
My question here, is what should we do differently this time, to prevent such a bad mess from happening? Should we not use a glass fish tank our sump, but go acryllic?
Looking for suggestions.


Originally Posted by acrylic51
How big was your sump? Was it level where it was sitting?
It was a 40 gallon sump. It was definitely level and had been doing fine for the 9 months it had been operating. Definitely something strange.


Active Member
That is strange........ :notsure: But stranger things happen....Sorry about the loss, but you'll overcome it.......


New Member
Originally Posted by Wintrmte
My question here, is what should we do differently this time, to prevent such a bad mess from happening? Should we not use a glass fish tank our sump, but go acryllic?
Looking for suggestions.
good question


there is really no way to tell, there are so many things that could have caused the crack. truthfully I would just buy a new acrylic sump and this shouldn't happen again. I can give you a good website that makes large acrilic sumps for a good price, thats whare i got mine. there needs to be more LFS's like yours out there alot wouldn't do that for someone. if you want the website just leave me your Email


Active Member
I like the look of a glass display tank, and the simplicity of an acrylic sump/refuge. Look, if you're not going to be giving tours of your sump (and who the heck really looks at the sump/fuge tank below the stand unless you're an aquarium geek like us) why take the chance of modifying a glass tank? Use an acrylic and have no worries.


Active Member
Temp. problem..I had a DT crack because of a temp problem...I guess the house was warm and when the air came on I had a deflector blowing across it..AGA told me that prolly what happened..Real cold air..Real Warm glass...dont take my word for it...Heat up a cup...stick it on a cold marble Counter top....CRACK...