issue (sorry i have lots of questions lately)


Ok so my sump first chamber wall in my sump refugium is starting to fail and fall. How can I go about fixing this? Do I need to drain the sump and restart? I have a pretty nice fuge going with tons of copepods and amphipods live sand macro algae.
Is there a way I can fix this wall with it wet? If this wall falls it would disrupt the fuge into the "bio ball" protein skimmer section (i use live rock by the way.
Thanks, hoping for a good idea


Active Member
I can't think of a way to repair it while it's still wet. What I would do is get a rubbermaid container and transfer all your stuff to that as a temporary the wall with silicone and then transfer everything back....
Or can you empty enough water to add some silicone to the wall without completely emptying it?


Maybe my best bet would be to get a new tank and start over? CL usually has em pretty cheap....I had some design flaws anyways I have been told.


lol....alot 125gal tank 55gal sump
juv emp angel
yellow tang
hippo tang
porc puffer
blue spot puffer
two clowns
3 pep shrimp
1 clean shrimp
2 urchins
diamond goby
cleaner wrasse


Active Member
So no much LR?
The silicone would need 48 hours before touching water....You can make a cheap sump out of a rubbermaid container for now.
Not sure how confident I'd be with everything surviving without the filtration for 48 hours, but you'd probably be ok...maybe someone else will chime in.


I think im gonna hunt down on craigs and find a cheap 55 gal, I dont mind redoing the sump might/probably would be 10x better than my current one with my current vs then knowledge. This way I can leave the current one which is still effective im just trying to be proactive
So when I go to move the samd is that going to cause an issue when I start up the filtration again?

scopus tang

Active Member
If you can find a cheap tank and build a new one while keeping the old one in place, that is the best option. However removing the sump if you need to is not going to "kill" anything in your tank. It may allow for more nutrients to remain in your DT, and you may have some issues, but nothing is going to die because you took the sump out. Many tanks run without a sump at all. If there is a way to transfer your protein skimmer to the tank itself, you can go a long time without a sump, if you can't, I would think you would still be ok for several weeks, might have to cut back on the food.
Depending on the amount of sand and if it was a DSB or SSB, you may or may not have some issues with transfering it. Generally with SSB those issues are short term, with a DSB, it could be a much bigger issue.


Active Member
Is the baffle leaking water or just moving. The reason I ask my brothers baffle was wiggleing but still was sealed good the keep the water lavel for the skimmer and what we did was simple. We drained the sump a little and superglued the top of it in place. It has never moved again.


Honestly...I did it too fast, didnt wait for things to be dry dry when glueing/sealing. I have learned the hard way about patience and doing things right in this hobby.


Active Member
How long has this tank been set up? You said you have a nice fuge going with lots of pods. If it has been going for that long to have lots of pods not letting it dry I dont think is your problem

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by robertmathern
How long has this tank been set up? You said you have a nice fuge going with lots of pods. If it has been going for that long to have lots of pods not letting it dry I dont think is your problem
I agree, if the sump failed this far into it, unless its been leaking from the beginning, I would say it was something else. My first sump had plexi baffles in a glass tank - bad idea, silicon doesn't bond to plexi, so the baffles won't stay long term.
4 to 5 inches of sand means that when you go to transfer, you're going to be stiring up lots of nutrients, I would rinse all the sand really well in saltwater as you transfer it, may help with the whole nutrient release issue.