sump filters


Is a sponge filter needed when using a sump?I took the sponges out of the overflow box and replaced them with stand pipes to quiet it down.I am still using a sponge on the return pump.I find that some food gets on the sponge and now since I have live rock in the sump any critters would not make it threw the sponge.Would small pieces of food pass threw the mag 950 without doing any harm? I tried putting some filter material on the eggcrate in the supply side from the tank but it seemed to collect bubbles under it and would end up floating.


Active Member
You should always have some soet of prefilter on your pumps. It could mean disaster if something too big runs through them.
Is your pump in the sump or is the sup drilled for the pump to run exteral?
If it is external you can use strainers with the sponge around them to help.


wamp, my pump is in the sump. thhe sump is a simple design it has the supply from the tank at one end with a eggcrate tray and the return pump at the other end with the L/R and L/S in the middle. I thought I could use the eggcrate to put carbon,phosphate sponge or some kind of mechanical filtration on but when I do that the media in the bags seem to get a lot of air trapped under it.I tried a poly filter and the same thing happened. Where else could I put a filter?