Ok, this may be a stupid thing to worry about, but I look at such beautiful refugium/sump pics on here, and mine is purely functional and looks ugly!! It has done wonders for my DT, never looked better up there. But my sump leaves something to be desired. My fuge is bare bottom glass, only housing a powerhead and a ball of chaeto. I know the flow isn't fantastic in the bottom of the fuge because I see some cyano in there. I've left it because everytime I mess with the PH in that chamber, I have trouble finding the "happy place" for my chaeto to tumble properly. I think I need a CUC for my sump. I've had a couple nerite snails take a ride down the overflow and clean things a little, but hasn't been a huge impact. Any tips on keeping things cleaner down there? I can't really siphon the bottom b/c it's too low to get one started. I should be able to use a PH for suctioning too, right? Just need different size tubing probably....Hmmm, any ideas?