Sump/Fuge design...


Ok I'm convinced on the building of a Sump/Fuge.
I have a 90 gallon tank and I did some checking and the best I can do is two 10 gallon glass tanks underneath.
My idea is to join them with bulkheads but I really am not sure if that's the best way....
I'm looking for feedback and help with a design.
I've got a skimmer and UV Sterilizer down there too but all of this should fit fine.
Thoughts?? *cough* Sign Guy help! *cough*

sign guy

Active Member
Id start by planning on one of the 10's being 3 or four inches higer than the other. My desktop is not conecting to the web right now and my laptop dosent have my design program so ill have to post a pic tomorow. My idea is let the water flow into your fuge that is sitting on a 4 inch stnd and have your bulkhead at the other end of your fuge that drains in your equipment sump (other 10). Can you switch the second ten with a 20 tall? or can you modify your stand?


Originally Posted by sign guy
Id start by planning on one of the 10's being 3 or four inches higer than the other. My desktop is not conecting to the web right now and my laptop dosent have my design program so ill have to post a pic tomorow. My idea is let the water flow into your fuge that is sitting on a 4 inch stnd and have your bulkhead at the other end of your fuge that drains in your equipment sump (other 10). Can you switch the second ten with a 20 tall? or can you modify your stand?
Well the problem is the tank is in production and I cannot take it off the stand... if I could I could make the second tank a 20 tall but since I can't theres no way to get it in there...
What I could do is mount it on something to hold it up or possibly look for a tank that's taller?
Really the two 10's are my only option unless a 15 will get me the extra height?

sign guy

Active Member
man I forgot to come back and respond sorry. Ok the ONLY problem with this duel 10 gesign is if you have a power failure your sumps will surly over flow

sign guy

Active Member
I think the 20 tall has the same footprint as a 10 but twice as tall and may ensure a flooded room. if not youd just be chancing it.


I know how rough this is and ya'll can laugh all you want but why would this overflow?
Obviously the two bulkheads shown would be more in line and 2 or 3 of them...


It seems that you have a lot going on in the second tank. how come so many baffles? I used a 10 gallon tank for a sump for my 29 gallon. I really wasnt sure about it overflowing either, and set it up hoping for the best. Luckily, all i had to do was drill a hole, just under the water line, on the return pipe, and when the power fails, the air hole breaks the siphon, to limit the amount of water going back to the sump, and i end up with about 3" to spare in the sump.
Try posting some measurements with your tank design, so we can get a better pic of what your thinking.
here is the design sign guy helped me come up with months ago...

sign guy

Active Member
18 x 24 x 2 / 231 = 3.75. assuning that about 2 inches will stil flow into your overflow after power goes out pluss what ever is in the lines so lets say 5 gal just to be safe. your fuge will be 90 percent ull and needs to be elivated above your other sump. so 5 gallons from the tank and if the fuge was higher than the sump youll lose another gallon from it so 6 gallons drain into your sump. I dont think you should keep them leval because I dont think feel the water would flow well enough through the sumps


Active Member
if you have bulkheads, then you shouldnt have too much an issue with one overflowing. the problem is with 2 tanks, you have to basically have a ubend otherwise to connect them. look at my sump/refuge size thread, i have pics of a wet/dry and 10 gallon together with a ubend. the 10gallon sometimes almost over flowed because the ubend was lazy and didn't keep the flow fast enough. a 3/4" ubend had no flow.


Active Member
Also a toilet tank float stop for the dump will be another failsafe to put in the initial tank. This way you dont have to house the entire 2 inch footprint from your DT in case of power outage. If a 20t will fit then to me thats the winner.
I am just one opinion, but I dont like the dual 10gs. If your absolutley forced because of size restraints, then I would use a single 10g as much as possible for a good ole fashioned simple 3 chambered sump and pack it with LR and DSB, then use a smaller HOB fuge and skimmer.
It helps eliminate "creative" plumbing and also can fit cleanly into your stands requirements.


Ok rather than do guess work I actually measured this a little better and it looks like I can get a 20 High in there for sure and MAYBE even a 29.
So let's figure on a 20 high :)
I really appreciate all of your help and input!

sign guy

Active Member
my desktop is still down so tomorrow ill draw it out at work a to tall will give you alot more to work with


Active Member
20 high is going to limit how many compartments. my 29 is a 10" sand bed area, and only about 6" area for my pump return in one compartment and the skimmer/water inlet on the other. If you have a HOB skimmer you'd be golden though.


Something else that you might want to think about when building the return line from the sump/sumps is strategicly placing a backflow valve in the mix. Basiclly simple explanation this valve lets water go thru only one way. No backflow. They are used in backflow preventers and water pressure lines when you don't want to have any backwash. i am going to use one in my setup.
I realized after rereading this that i forgot to add the name of the peice. If you really want to use this the name of the part is a swing check valve. Another site has them in plastic for pretty cheap just google it.


Active Member
a backflow shouldn't *really* be needed. as long as the return has a hole drilled in it above the water line only a small amount of water will return underneath.


So with 20 tall or a 29 -
How many compartments should I aim for? I have a Coralife 125 skimmer that I want to put in there too...