Sump/Fuge design...


Active Member
look at my post--i just made a 29 gallon three compartment sump/fuge. If you go with the 29 i can give you measurements, just make sure you can fit it under where you want it to go.


Originally Posted by renogaw
look at my post--i just made a 29 gallon three compartment sump/fuge. If you go with the 29 i can give you measurements, just make sure you can fit it under where you want it to go.
If you could shoot me a PM with the information that would be awesome.
I wish I was better with Google Sketcher I'd make my own plans ;)


Man I'm seriously in a rage....

I've built some mock tanks to see what would fit and it looks like the best I can do is a 25 gallon...
I'm starting to wonder if I wouldnt be better off just building two sections out of plexi and then gluing them together inside of the tank...
I'm half tempted to cut out the center brace but I'm very worried about the tank collapsing the stand..
The stand is an All Glass stand that is 48 inches the beam in the center is a 4 inch by .5 inch piece of oak. I'm curious about cutting it out but I don't want to risk the tank collapsing :(


Active Member
The 2 tens would work, but you would only have a pretty shallow water level, like 8.5 in tops.
10X40 (two tens end to end)X3 /231= 5.19 gallons.

If the tanks are connected end to end with say 1 or even better 1.5 in bulkeads, the tank walls were they are joined is the same as a baffle with a couple holes drilled in it. My ecosystem 29 has a baffle like that. The 25 would be a better option.


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
The 2 tens would work, but you would only have a pretty shallow water level, like 8.5 in tops.
10X40 (two tens end to end)X3 /231= 5.19 gallons.

If the tanks are connected end to end with say 1 or even better 1.5 in bulkeads, the tank walls were they are joined is the same as a baffle with a couple holes drilled in it. My ecosystem 29 has a baffle like that. The 25 would be a better option.
Well there's no question about it. I'm going to have to go Acrylic and build my own... this should be a LOT of fun... (NOT).


Well to be honest after a lot of thought if I'm going to build something custom I'm going to do it right and do it big.
I'm going to be putting it in my basement, running the pipes through the floor down to the room below (my work room coincidentally) and putting my fuge there.... the funny thing is I'm going to make the fuge roughly 150 - 200 gallons since it will also be doing work for my other tank in the basement. Double duty if you will...
Thoughts on this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefpro
Well to be honest after a lot of thought if I'm going to build something custom I'm going to do it right and do it big.
I'm going to be putting it in my basement, running the pipes through the floor down to the room below (my work room coincidentally) and putting my fuge there.... the funny thing is I'm going to make the fuge roughly 150 - 200 gallons since it will also be doing work for my other tank in the basement. Double duty if you will...
Thoughts on this?

Be advised though, I seriousley thought about connecting my 65 and my 125 together. I was advised not to as cross contamination was the biggest issue there. So I didnt, and with the recent Ick outbreak I had I'm glad I listened.
So think about it.

You could though, build it that big and seperate it into two different fuges, as long as the water doesnt mix!