Originally Posted by
Very interesting setup. I really like the front half being a refugium. Very nice
On the Sump portion, can you explain the 3 tray setup you have? It looks like they contain LR rubble. Are you using drip trays for that or does the water flow around?
to be honest we built that sump on the idea of the aquaclear filter system.the first try bio ceramic bio cubes for an aquaclear filter set up we had them under water untill we found out drip was a better bio.drip trays contain layers of carbons, nitrate sponge and ceramic cubes.in that order top tray has amonia and phosphate removal foam sheets.all exit through a final sponge to a skimmer I have no clue what kind but i know it works great then to return pump which fills main tank and refuge at same time.keeping constant water movement .