sump/fuge help please


i want to make my own sump /fuge, in doing so first queston. i have a 55g already, but i plan on buying a 40g long to use as the sump/fuge, which would be better as the the sump/fuge for a 75g, with built in overflow? second question, is can anytell me or show me a diagram as to where and how high and length of baffles? any help would be appreciated. i would like to do something like the water from the tank going into the first chamber holding the protein skimmer, then flow into the fuge, then into the return pump chamber.


I would model it after this....
T the drain from your 75, and put 2 ball valves on each side, control flow to the opposite sides of the sump/fuge/... more flow to the left with the skimmer, less to the right for the fuge. The baffle walls should be built for the skimmer side to have enogh water to be the min water you want on your return section (the middle), the right side for the fuge should be pretty high (about 3/4 the way up) to maximize volume in your fuge.
If i were you i would use the 55 if you can... maximize the water volume for the most fuge space, and overall water volume. The bigger it is, the less effect of adding or subracting water from the overall system (keeps it stable)


thanks, i guess ill use the 55 since i already have it and bigger is better. agin thanks.
in the main tank for my sand can i use some aragonte sand and live sand and be ok ?


Yeah, that would work perfectly. Thats what i did in mine, minus the live sand part. I did a layer of crushed coral, and then a layer of agronite sand above a plenum. The agronite sand and or crushed coral will be good in the fuge as well, promotes worms etc to grow and thrive.