Sump/Fuge questions


I'm getting ready to build my 20g sump/fuge for my 55g tank and I have a few questions:
1. What is the best overflow to use?
2. What is the best return pump to use?
3. How do you regulate the overflow and the return pump so one doesn't get ahead of the other
4. Should the end of the overflow tube be submerged in the sump to prevent bubbles?
5. What kind of plastic cement and silicone caulk should I use for the dividers?
6. Should I run my small penguin HOB filter on the sump with the skimmer?
I'm using the following sump design:


all answer your first two..
-lifereef(good but expensive), Amiracle, eB@y, just pretty much look for any ov. box that has an anti siphon break baffle(its the baffle right before the water spills right over it and drains through bulkhead)..
-theres alot of good return pumps too use..
internal: Mag Drive, Quiet One, Oceanrunner
external: Gen-x, Iwaki, Little Giant, Sequence, etc.


guess ill answer somemore..
3-youll only need to regulate the pump, only if the overflow is draining less than what your pump is sucking..try and figure out the distance from your return pump to the top of your tank, buy the pump you want, and then buy the overflow according to how much your pump pulls out.
4-actually youre going to get bubbles either way, because of how the water is falling through the flex pipe..what i did was attach a micron sock to it, catches the bubbles and the debris..


New Member
i submerged my return line because it was too noisy and was making a lot of bubbles. now it is dead silent and i don't get bubbles. i think it is harder to control the bubble from my skimmer (although i have solved that problem too).


Active Member
1. What is the best overflow to use?
The "best " overflow would be a predrilled reef ready tank with a built in overflow...Assuming you are talking about a HOB add on, look for a "U" tube design (like Tidepool) rather than a "box" design (like CPR)
2. What is the best return pump to use?

Probably for your "first" system a submersable pump like the Mag Drive would be easiest to set up and have proven to be reliable
3. How do you regulate the overflow and the return pump so one doesn't get ahead of the other

That is "best" done by calculating the "actual" amount of water your pump will return to tank (factoring in head height, elbows and line size) and picking a pump that will give an output slightly below that which your chosen overflow can take out...Much better and more effecient than using a "ball valve" to cut flow back on too large a pump...
4. Should the end of the overflow tube be submerged in the sump to prevent bubbles?

About 1"below works better than "above" the water line, you may need to drill a small hole a few inches higher to help "relieve" pressure and prevent "burping"...Too low (deep) and it will create a "surging" or flushing condition...
5. What kind of plastic cement and silicone caulk should I use for the dividers?.

Depending on the material the sump is made of...Glass on glass with silicone or Acrylic with acrylic and acrylic "cements" are best..or acrylic baffles siliconed to glass can work, but may "pop" out if thin enough to flex...
6. Should I run my small penguin HOB filter on the sump with the skimmer?

: Any HOB skimmer will work but the "in-sump" skimmers are generally more effective...Get the "BEST" you can afford...An "additional" filter will not be needed if you have adaquate LR and Flow in the tank...
I'm using the following sump design:

That's probably the best representation of a "Sump/Fuge" Combo I've seen and have recomended it alot...
Just remember..."Bigger Is Better"
Especially when sizing Fuge area...