sump/ fuge


I just got a new sump for my 55 gal reef and was wonering what everyone puts in the fuge? i was told to put a layer of cc with a layer of sand on top with a few pieces of lr. Is this the way to go? any opions?


Active Member
i am going to put a deep sand bed with some live rock rubble and chaeto in mine when i set it up. i would skip the cc unless you want to risk having a nitrate problem.


use a deep sand bed... 3-4 inches primarily live sand... used live rock and macro algaes as well, also some people put a cleanup crew in there... personally i put in things that are not reef safe... ie urchins (bulldozers) camel back shrimp... mantis shrimp.... etc, you get the idea things that would be on a reef but feed off of reef organisms!


Active Member
Yep, I've got 3.5" of fine live sand in mine, 2 lbs of tonga rubble rock, caleurpa and chaeto macro algae, and bunch of snails, hermits and a few sea slugs as cleanup. And one littleneck clam.
Skip the CC