sump/fuge ?


New Member
I am going to build a 10 gal sump/fuge for my 40 long. I have it all planned out except for the overflow. Do I have to have my tank drilled or can I use a pump to get the water out? Do I use the same pump to get the water out as the one in? I am thinking of using a Rio 2500.


Yes you can have your tank drilled or you can go w/ a hang on overflow (build one or buy one ~~~> IMO if you build it it will save you a h*ll of alot of money)
I believe your not supposed to pull the water out by a pump I may be wrong though.... but I believe the best and safest way to get the water out is by gravitation and a syphon.
The 2500 would be fine to pump the water back to the tank you just have to make sure your overflow box is rated close to what the pump can put out so your not putting to much back pressure on the rio by a ball valve....
What all are you planning on putting in your sump/fuge?


New Member
I am going to build it to look basically like an ecosystem. I am not sure if I want to put a DSB or Miracle Mud.


I would do a search on this forum for DSB's and miracle mud I believe you said and find out which one people seem to like more...
IMO I prefere the DSB but thats just my opinion...
I'm not sure if the mods will like this, its not competing so it should be ok but check this site out... they have about 19 different ways to design an overflow... you can pick one that meets your needs...