Sump-height of baffels


Active Member
i have a 40 gal-36x12 1/2 w x 16 tall. i will have skimmer section first, return ump in the middle and fuge on the other end. my main question is how far from the top and bottom should the baffels be. I think the one I have now is 2 1/2 from the bottom and 4 inch from the top in a 55 gal tank. will these measurements work for a 40 gal


Active Member
Depends if you have an in-sump skimmer, and if so, the water height that particular skimmer requires. You can always space the skimmer up by putting a block or something underneath, but you can't space the skimmer down into the water.


Active Member
well, right now I dont have a skimmer. I just need to get something going. Is it better to go deeper. then I can always raise the skimmer as needed.
I am thinking 10 inch pieces of glass, that would leave 6 inches from the top
also how far apart is everyone leaving the baffels. 1 1/2 to 2 inches????


Active Member
it varies from system to system. in the event of an outtage, your tank will drain how much water to the sump before it stops draining?
a tank with large surface area will need a larger buffer zone in the sump to accomidate for the water that will drain before the siphon stops. i used a 40 breeder as a sump for my 30 breeder. the baffles are about 4.5 inches from the surface.
some say to place the baffles according to your skimmers' height requirements, but i'd rather prop the skimmer up and have the extra water/depth for my refugium.
the baffles(i'm assuming you mean the bubble trap) on my sumps i kept about 1" apart, and the upper baffle 1" or so from the bottom(i used a piece of 3/4"pvc under it to hold it while the caulk dried).


Active Member
ok, here is what I have drawn up so far. first section 8 inch for skimmer, second section is 7 inch for return pump. and the rest is fuge. baffles being 10 inches about 1 1/2 inches apart.



Active Member
Like mr x said. I would go 1" apart and 1" from bottom. That's the way I always built my fuges and it always worked for bubble reduction


Do you have a skimmer in mind that is going to fit in your 8"x12" skimmer section. A lot of decent skimmers will require a larger footprint than that. Just something that you might want to think about.


You should be good to go then. The design looks all right to me. I made my baffles 2" apart when I did mine simply because it was too hard to get the silicone in when they were only 1" apart. Either way should be fine though.


here is a poor ic of mine. Same dimesions as yours i believe. The baffles for the skimmer section are 9 inches tall. The fuge section is 13 inches tall. If memory serves me correct i have 17 inches for the skimmer filter sock area, 2 inches for baffles, 6 inches for return pump, and 11 inches for fuge area.



Active Member
Teresa, here's my 40gal sump on my 29 (which I just took down today
). The first section is 14", the bubble trap is 3" (1.5" each), the return area is 7" and the refugium is 12". If I had to do it again, I would make the equipment section 12" and the refugium 14". I'm not sure about 1" bubble trap spacing. I had seriously hard time clean my 1.5" when it need it. Also, definitely look into a ATO system with that small of return area (only was about 5.5 gallons).
For your diagrams, you only need one bubble trap. There is no point having one for the refugium, as there will be no bubble from either the skimmer or the incoming lines to the sump to worry about going into the refugium.
the skilter is only to run media lol. Skimmer wasn't installed yet.



Active Member
thanks for the pictures.
well its done, lots of extra silicone everywhere, and its not the prettiest thing, but it will serve its porpose.
thanks everyone for your help.


Active Member
it looks good. are the baffles plastic or glass? i made my baffles out of cutting boards from walmart.
have a 125 and a 40 breeder sumps-
breeder with frag tray-

125 sump with refugium-