sump help/power back- up?


I made my own sump when I purchased my 100gal preowed tank. From all the reading I have done here I can see it will not be sufficient. Can somebody please give me some details on how to make a good one.. I want to use plexy. What glue to use for this sump? Unlike many people I have read about I like the plumbing part. I am also interested in back up elect. I have a dc demand pump but I am unsure of how to use it for back up. Here we do have frequent power out-ages. Some for hours during storms. I am open to suggestions.
Is it better to get a 30 gal and drill it? How do you drill it? with what? I am concerned about power outage and my siphone overflow. I do not want a mess. Thak you all for all your help so far. Tom M
PS. you can email plans for sump to


Active Member
Are you talking about just a sump or is this also to be a fuge? Why do you feel ur current one is not sufficient, having water quality problems?


Right now I am running a dual output siphen over flow into a plastic container with gravel, sand and rock. It has no dividers. but flters before the water leaves refuge. I am getting bubbling. I have two inputs to my pump which has two outputs into tank. I bought this setup used. It is 100gal with 4x96 watt c/f. Only 2 working at present(see other problem marked lighting c/f) The guy I bought this from is a friend that moved out of the country and this is how he had it set up. It did not come with refuge. I made it after a quick conversation with him. I had a 55 gal with hang over filters with only fish prior to this. I am trying to set this tank up to have more options for my tank inhaitants. I am mainly interested in keeping fish with some easy to moderate level inverts. I have a full grown v/lion a niger trigger and two clowns. I have added live rock. I have around 130-140 lbs of live rock. I also have a pink tip anan. I have a 29 gal tank spare, I use for feeder fish. I still have my 55 gal tank spare too. I have looked at the setups in the store and 700 for a refuge set up is too high. If I know what I need to build I can do it.


Active Member
personally id work more on the lights to start. Your lighting is very low if you intend on running corals. Look on the auction site they have retro mh setups pretty cheap.
As far as the bubbles and how to setup a fuge a search will yield a wealth of info. I used a 40gal tank welded in some additiona acrylic sheets for baffles to get rid of the bubbles and have been fairly content w/the results.


providing I get all four lights working I have 384 watts. Is that sufficient for live rock and soft coral?


Active Member

Originally posted by txtwstr
providing I get all four lights working I have 384 watts. Is that sufficient for live rock and soft coral?

Im not a lighting expert but I think it should be okay as long as u keep away from any corals that dont require a lot of light. the lr dont need light persay. You may want to put in the back of your mind though the idea of eventually upgrading to mh. :)


FYI Triggers are not reef safe, and I would not put a lion of any type in a reef tank. Those clowns shouldn't be in there either.