Sump help!!!


Ok so I wana use like a 10 gall sump is this possible? I have 55 gal tank now w/ canister filter, power filter, & skimmer...what are benefits of sump & how do I do it?


Do a google search for DIY sump and you'll find a ton of info on not only how to build a sump, but also the benefits. IMHO a 10 gallon is a bit small and won't alow for much extra volume for when your pump stop (power goes out). Some of the immediate benefits I can think of is that you can put all of your additional equipment (heater, skimmer, any reactors, etc..) into the sump so it will clean up your display. If you have a refugium along with the sump you can add even more benefits. Sumps are not hard to make, the best advice I got when I got a sump was to make it as large as my stand would allow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Spivey911
SO wil water just siphon into sump then my canister filter hooked up to the sump?
I guess you could hook up the canister filter so it pulls it out of the return section of the sump and then returns it to the tank.


so how do u make sure ur canister filter doesnt drain the sump dry? what happens if the canister sucks the sump dry bc its flowing quicker than the siphon is bringing waqter into sump?


i think im going to keep my canister in the main tank so i have like double filtration. also so i dont have to deal with that


eventally a phosban reator but right now juist my skimmer and the heater and a return pump to get the water back in the tank


i think your case i would use the drain side of the canister put the return into the sump and add a pump to the return section....but not much more than what your canister is rated at because if it is say a 200gph canister and you get a 700gph return pump it will dry the sump and flood the in that case a 300 or 400 or maybe even a 500..would be ok


I am not sure if a 10 gallon will be big enough. I would think about going with a 20 long. If you use the 10 gallon you will only be able to fill it up about 65% full. I am telling you this because you will have about 3-4 gallons of back flow if the power were to shut off.


Im gonna use 3 compartent....correct me if im wrong 1st compartment will be siphon frm tank just small compartment then will over flow to 2nd bigger compartment w/ lr,algae, sand, mud, or whatever then will flow to 3rd compartment that will just have return pump in it! What are some good inverts if any to have in it & can i do this w/ no light or just the light that comes on a 20 gal reg tank?
Thanks for all the help you guys are great!!!


as for the light will depend on if you are going to keep macroalgae in will grow with just the regular pcs that come with a 20...also want to tell you make sure you get a 20g will give you more room to work can do the fuge without lights but no macro and just keep sand and live rock rubble in the fuge part....i have bio balls in my right now but will replace them with rubble when i get some...


Originally Posted by earlybird
Nice setup. What's in the baffle under your thermometer display?
It is a media holder. I have recently removed that and placed filter floss in the place of it. I am thinking about going back to carbon.


OK I have 55 gal its been up for a month now all is well...I have 3 Nass & 3 blue leg hermits & am going to add 2 Clowns & a Toadstool Friday! I get my T-5's tomorrow !!! SO anyway about the sump...I only have`room for a 10 gal on each side of my cabinet so I plan on making 2 10 gal sumps 1st one will be prettty much empty w/ some chaeto or sumn & the 2nd will have lr skimmer & heater in my question is can I do this w/o the over flow box & just use siphon w/ flow valve to control water & what happens if the siphon breaks my return pump will overflow the dt right? Whaqt can prevent this? Now im not so worried about a power failure since the 1st 10 gal will only hae a cpl gallons in it so it could hold maybe 7 gals of backflow?? Thanks for any comments!!! Im going to post my design soon