sump help


Active Member
can you pump water into a sump or does it have to run over the bioballs and also do the bioballs have to be outta the water

sa reef

New Member
I've only seen filters that have the bioballs above the water line in the sump with the overflow trickling over them.


kpk- best thing to do is go to an LFS that has some display tanks that are running one and ask to see them in action.
Yes the bio balls should be out of the water so that when the water hits them the water breaks up and gathers oxygen as well as delivers the ammonia and nitrites to be broken down by the bacteria that colinizes the bio balls.
Normally the water is not pumped down into a sump but falls by gravity from the overflows then into the wet/dry or sump.


No you should not pump it to a sump, it should only be pumped from the sump back to the main. Trying to pump it from the main to the sump will lead to control problems.


If you were to use a pump, lets say for example one that pumps 200 gallons per hour from the main tank to the sump, then you will also have to have a pump that returns it to the main right?
So lets say you use another pump that is 200 gallons per hour from the sump to the main. If both somehow work perfect then your water would circulate fine and evenly.
But what two pumps are going to be 200 gph exactly?
Even if they did work perfect, over time one or both will start to get calcium buildup on them, and I just can't believe that they will both be coated exactly alike. As they get coated with calcium or even algae then this will slow the preformance and you will not have and even flow keeping the water level in your sump perfect.
The sump pump could get faster causing your main to overflow and your sump to depleat to the point of running your pump dry and burning up. Or visa versa dependin on how you placed your main tank pump to the sump.
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