Sump idea.... confused


I'm in the planning stages of my refuge and sump. My tank is not rr and I will be using a lifereef over. I want to separate my fuge to a 5 gallon tank and make a sump out of a 15 gallon tank.
On the pipe configuration, I will have the main pvc from the over flow setup with a "T" to split the flow of water to the refuge and sump.
The pvc going to the refuge will have a ball valve to lessen the flow of water. The refuge will also be elevated above the sump.
The pvc going to the sump will disperse the water flow into the first chamber where my lifereef skimmer will be places and then it will be sent to the second chamber where a Mag 7 return pump will push the water back to the main tank.
My question is where should I have the overflow from the refuge connected to?? The skimmer chamber or the return pump chamber. Bear in mind this idea has not be drawn, I'm figuring out this process in my head and I don't even know if this will work....


Active Member
Don't loose sleep over it! This is a hobby; don't worry, be happy :D. Seriously, I'm no good at picturing these sorts of descriptions, my brain just requires a schematic--if you can doodle one that'd be quite helpful. I'd also suggest posting this in the Equipment and DIY forum--you'll likely get a lot more responses from people with more plumbing experience over there.


Active Member
Just have the refuge overflow back into the sump prior to as much filtration as you can. If you are bringing the water from the tank overflow to feed the fuge...then that water will not have been filtered...also, if you could find a plastic replacement for the can just cut a hole into the side of it to establish a water level, then let it gravity drain back to the would need a bulkhead and a few pieces of PVC.


Your explaination makes sense but now I'm even more confused.. I agree that using a plastic container for the refuge is probably better than a glass tank and it would be easier to cut a hole and attach a bulk head and pvc... however I thought I read that the water to the refuge should not go through the skimmer first b/c it takes out too many nutrients.. I plan on trying to grow pods in there so I can eventually get a mandrin. If I have the refug water go through the skimmer and then the return tank, wouldn't that kill the micro-organisms???



Originally posted by eggy5404
Your explaination makes sense but now I'm even more confused.. I agree that using a plastic container for the refuge is probably better than a glass tank and it would be easier to cut a hole and attach a bulk head and pvc... however I thought I read that the water to the refuge should not go through the skimmer first b/c it takes out too many nutrients.. I plan on trying to grow pods in there so I can eventually get a mandrin. If I have the refug water go through the skimmer and then the return tank, wouldn't that kill the micro-organisms???

why is plastic better than glass?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by tlk
why is plastic better than glass?

It's not better it's just easier to drill on small tanks. I used about a 6 gallon plastic "critter keeper" and drilled it for my kitchen nano with a gravity feed down to the tank, which you could do down to your sump... It's not rocket science, you just need to understand the basics of the purposes of a refugium and structure your own design to fit your needs, whcih I did after the wife gave me kitchen space:D Dishes out... fuge in!! woo hoo!:cool:
I can give you more specs if you like... all of the parts were bought at Home Depot for a couple of bucks, with the darn ball valve being more expensive than all of the other parts of course...


I would like the specs Brooklyn Johnny. I was planning on building my refuge with an old 20gal (glass) tank that is sitting in the basement.


If you could please provide more specs it would be helpful. I wanted to elevate the refuge higher than sump and if I use a plastic container instead of the glass tank, I could cut a hole where I want the water line to end and have it drip into the sump. My unanswered question is:
If anyone has a preference please let me know and explain you theory behind it if it isn't too much trouble.


Active Member
Skimmer section as it hasnt been through that portion prior as you said the water will be coming straight from the tank overflow...correct?


but wouldn't the skimmer section which would flow into the return pump section kill most of the pods going back to the tank??

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Eggy in my opinion you want as little disturbance between the refugium and the tank, and I was lucky enough to have NO disturbance as mine directly drains into the tank. One of the major purposes of your refuge aside from nutrient cycling is it's ability to produce many different beneficial critters which will find their way to the tank. By sending this runoff from your refuge directly to the return pump and bypassing the skimmer you'll benefit IMO. Sending critters (which are usually microscopic) through your skimmer many will be taken out, and you'll also be adding to the inevitable plankton shear (grinding up of these things by pumps and such). Go directly to the return pump IMO.
I'll explain a little more in depth my fuge on my nano. I have enclosed another pic (older one when fuge was relatively new) for reference. Mind you I designed this for my nano but as I said you could use the same principles for any tank.
On the back of the tank itself I have an Aquaclear HOB filter with no media. Inside of the HOB is where I have a small powerhead that pumps up to the left side of the refuge (see in pic). The tubing is connected to a 1/2" barbed PVC fitting (the grey one) that was drilled just a little higher than the other side that it gravity feeds down to. The gravity feed side is 3/4" and I have the ball valve connected in-line so that I can cut the drain when all pumps are off. The gravity feed goes back down into the aquaclear which feeds right to the aquarium again.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
These are the two pieces I have INSIDE the refugium, one 1/2" on one side and one 3/4" on the drain side. This threads through the drilled hole and into the barbed fitting. I included rubber O-rings to get a tight seal and then also covered the whole thing in aquarium sealent for good measure.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
This is the closest photo I found on the net showing the other piece, with the one barbed end to accept the tubing. However the parts I got were ELBOWS instead of inline and have FEMALE threading instead of male in the pic. This may not be so clear so ask some followups if you need it. Hope that helps...


Thank you for that explaination. I think I will have my refuge flow directly to the return pump section and back up to the main tank. Thank you all for your help...