Sump Instructions


Hello everyone, well i was given a sump and dont know the first thing on how to put this together. I have a 125 gallon tank with the 2 overflows (rr) but it did not come with the intake and outtake pipes which i ordered, it was called the meagflow accessory kit. At least I got that right, now in my sump it has an e.t.s. skimmer but from what i can tell there is no pump. Which if anyone can help, what kind of pumps do i have to buy. I also noticed that it has the bio balls which I will probably get rid of and use lr and ls instead. Now there is a long ribbed tube, but from what I can see, I dont know where to hook this piece into and was wondering that I might need two instead of one. Now there is a glass piece that looks like it sits on top of the sump with two tubes that looks like where the water may come in and out of but not to sure, but i do see salt residue on it
and on the side of the sump there is another tube but I have no clue what goes in there. I know this maybe very vauge but I do no know how to go into details because I have no clue lol. So if anyone could really guide me or point me to how to do it, would be very well appreciated. Thanks :help:


oh yeah btw my lfs guy said he would charge me 200 to do it and thats why i said i wanna figure it out on my own so thanks


$200.00 :scared: Free help here.

It doesn't sound like you have a return pump. This would hook up to the hole in the side of your sump (external pump). Or you can plug the bulkhead and use an internal pump. Pump size will depend on Gph of overflows.
You will need a different pump for the skimmer.
I believe the piece with two tubes is the dual overflow FROM the tank. The seperate ribbed tube was probably hooked up to the external return pump.
I don't care for the ribbed tubing (the kind used for swiming pools) because I have had these break on my swimming pool and wouldn't trust them on my tank ($.02)
Best I can do without pics. If you can take pics of your equip. I may be able to help more.


ok i appreciate ure help i will take pics of the equipment when i get home after work and post them. also another question that i have is how will i know how much water will i have to put in the sump with out it overflowing?


Use the search option for sump water level, sump fill line, ....... There are already quite a few threads on this and it should be easy to find.


ok sorry for the delay but here are the pics
pic 1 is the piece i said that has the salt residue
pic 2 is the container that holds the bio balls
pic 3 the bio balls
pic 4 is some kind of barrier device that has some foam in it
pic 5 looks like some kind of float device
i will load the other pics in the next post but as you can tell im clueless about this, i dont even have the names correct



pic 6 is the skimmer its and e.t.s. and looks like a model number 220 not entirely sure
pic 7 is the ribbed tube with the looks like an air hose for the skimmer not sure either

so there u have it, i got the sump for free but i have no idea what i got into. Now my next step would be to ask what kind of plumbing equipment and pumps should i use? oh and btw this is an oceanic sump it says it on the side of the box



clean it clean it fast i dont kno anything about plastic but i use lemon juice on my glass tank and rinse it really good so plz go clean now


ok guys thanks for the cleaning info, but I would like to know where to go from the other than the cleaning. :joy: It looks like I might have to chalk this up as a lose and pay the lfs 200 to do it for me


Check the attached diagram I found on this site. The basics are getting the water to the sump via your overflow and then pumping it back.


I have the same sump for my new 175 just finsihed putting it in. I have two overflows. The ribbed hoses go into the bigger holes inside your overflows. You will have an adjustable pipe that you can move up and down with a screen on the end set at the highest level your tank will allow at the top of your overflow. you will also have another smaller tube that has a 3/4 in bulkhead on it that goes through the other hole in your overflow. this is your return line. You run the two ribbed hoses to the plate on top of your sump. put the bio box ( if you wish to run it) under your plate where the tank water will come in. It will go through the bio balls or lr rubble and then run into the sump the skimmer will need a pump to pump water out of the biggest part of the sump. next you have the small wall and then maybe a 6 inch space then a taller wall. This should have a piece of egg crate in the bottom and a peice of sponge or foam to help cut down on micro bubbles. the taller wall is open to the last section at the bottom. I used a mag jet 1800 for my return i ran a 1 ft piece of pvc up and put a t on it an connected it to two pieces of 3/4 inche hose that ran to the 3/4 inch bulkheads on the bottom of the tank. If you choose to use a external pump you will need a bulk head for the hole in the lower part of the tank on the end. Hope this helps I know a pic would be better. I may try and get one for you and post tomorrow.


i really do appreciate it cause my megaover flow kit came in today so im real excited trying to put this together so 1. i dont have to pay my lfs 200 and 2. to upgrade my little 30 gallon tank that has a tang in there (i hear the sirens coming lol) and btw hes only been in there for a it would be very well appreciated harndog if i see the pic cause it would save me money for christmas shopping lol


The skimmer you are describing is a reef devel and it prob came with the sump if so the sump is drilled for the skimmer to be on the outside. Look up reef devel and you will find etssand pictures of the sump and skimmer
Good luck



I could not get a pic but did my best at making you a drawing. You can do it I figured it out on my own don't pay 200 dollars for this. some of the plumbing including the 1 ft 3/4 pvc and the t came from hardware store. i also put ball valve in between the glass plate and the ribbed hose so I could turn the flow to the sump off. Dang it won't let me attach the drawing.


ok it looks like i might have to bite the bullet and pay 200...cause i dont know the first thing about plumbing and this is starting to get fustrating but thanks for ure help guys.