Sump Instructions


nope havent done it yet but thanks for the pics :jumping: is it possible u can tell me how to put everything together like for example that long ribbed tube where does that go? also those pipes with those valves is there somewhere i can go to get those pieces cause I do not have them. Thank you so much :joy:


Before you do anything, throw all of these away. Replace with any nonmetal clamps. You don't want rust getting in your water. I will try to help more later w/ setting this up but I have a full day of teaching- been busy and forgot about your post.
If you are lucky maybe Squid will see your thread.


ok you should have two holes in each overflow on the bottom of your tank. the ribbed hose goes to the bigger holes one on each overflow. the valves are from local hardware store they are just pvc ball valves i took my hose down to store and told the guy what i wanted and he got them for me. The other end of the tank is you pump. I bought a 3/4 couple with female threads on bothe ends thena piece of 3/4 pvc with male threads on each end that was about 10" long also bought a t with female threads on bottom and 3/4 hose adapters on the other two ends. then placed 3/4 hose with plastic clamps onto the t and ran them to the bottom of the tank on each side into the smaller holes in the overflows. You kit should have the bulkheads for each hole one being smaller than the other. hope this helps. If you have everything it's really not to hard.


do i have to buy pvc pipe for the ribbed house to fit on that bulkhead under the overflow? because when I tried to connect the hose directly to the bulkhead it doesnt so sorry that im clueless on this thing here


also i know i have to buy at least 2 for the return and one for the skimmer, my question is what kind of pumps do I buy? :notsure:


I don't know where you are still confused so here is a general drawing of how the plumbing should work. It doesn't include your protein skimmer.
Then I rearranged Harndogs pics to match the drawing. Your protein skimmer can be in sump or external like in the very last pic.
For Harndogs pics #'s 1&2 are lines from the tank. #3 is pump for skimmer. #4 is return pump and plumbing back to tank. Arrows are for direction of water flow.



thank u so much, when it comes to plumbing i am so retarded so i appreciate everyone taking the time out to help me. only two questions left and hopefully i have it right. 1. what type of pumps should i use for the skimmer and the return pump? 2. my ribbed hose does not fit directly into the bulkhead, do i have to buy a pvc pipe for it to fit? thanks u so much everyone like i stated b4 im am so slow when it comes to any kind of plumbing but when it comes to computers i can help lol sorry wrong site! :hilarious


Originally Posted by Scarface
do i have to buy pvc pipe for the ribbed house to fit on that bulkhead under the overflow? because when I tried to connect the hose directly to the bulkhead it doesnt so sorry that im clueless on this thing here

You may need pvc slip attachments if you want to use that flex hose.
I would plumb everything hardline (pvc) but that's just my preference.
Don't know what size pump for the skimmer, but your return pump size from the sump depends on gph of overflows.


well i got the mega over flow there a certain guideline i can use to find out the gph so i can buy the correct pump? the skimmer is an e.t.s. 220 i believe. as far as the flex tube goes, could i just elimate that and use hardline pvc?


I'm assuming you have two overflow kits, one for each overflow.
From what I've found they rate at 600gph each so you are looking at 1200gph FROM the tank. You need to make sure whatever pump you get is LESS than the flow from the tank. Look at gph at about a 4ft head when shopping for pumps. If your pump exceeds your overflow your tank will flood.
I prefer pvc over flex tube, if you use the seach tab here you'll find varying opinions and pros and cons. If you are not handy at all flex tube may be the way to go.
If you go with flex don't let it sag like it does in hrandogs pics.
Overflows work on siphon and gravity, why make water flow uphill after drawing it down?


yeah i already have both overflow kits and i will look for a 1200gph or below for my return the pump for my skimmer does that also have to fit into the 1200gph equation or is that a seperate item because it goes directly to the skimmer?
The PVC piping i assume i can go to home depot and buy it and cut it accordingly? So do both drain lines can go directly into the sump in any position meaning can i leave both the drain lines on the left of the sump or do I have to put one on the right or on the left? thanks


ok fellas well i finally got it done....i struck a deal with the guy at my lfs. He needed a computer so I had plenty of spare parts to build him, which is exactly what i did and he came over sunday morning and put the thing together for me...i am so happy with my tank now!
i know im going to hear it but im so glad that my hippo can have all the space he wants coming from a 30 gallong lol but at least i upgraded my tank which a lot people say they will but never do. but it really looks so much better with so much space.. the only thing i have to go buy now is more live rock because the 125 looked like it swallowed it and some new lighting...currently i have pc 192 watts but i know thats not enough but i only have low light corals mushrooms, zoo's leathers so i should be ok until i get some get prices on mh, if anyone knows of any deals email me Thanks


does anyone have an idea how to reduce the nose in the sump? i think its the return pump making all that noise and wanted to see if anyone had any ideas...thanks :thinking: