silicone was from home depot, G E brand clear no wear did u see any warning not to use for the tank.
went with a mag 5 gph for 3' is 425 gph for 5' is 325 i am in between at 4' run.
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The build looks really good. You did a nice job for sure.
For those who don't know, he's having a little issue with the skimmer. Look in the collection cup. Lots of water in there. We're trying to find a solution without having to cut out the baffles and trim them down. That will be the last resort.
What silicone did you use?
How big is your return pump? GPH?
I think if you shut it down, drain the water out, get rid of the pink foam under the sump tank you can then raise the skimmer up that distance. That will get you a little more out of the water. You don't need that foam under that tank. It is designed to run without anything under it. That and adjusting the skimmer water level might just get you out of the woods on this one. Also maybe flowing a little less water through the sump. That will help to lower the water level in the first chamber by a little bit due to the amount of water rushing across the first baffle. You might be experiencing a little resistance through the bubble trap too. How far off the bottom did that center baffle wind up? I know you were shooting for 1".