Ok, I don't have any pics of this cuz it is just too crude . But here is my setup and my problem. I just hooked up my mag 18 (soon to be a mag 12 the 18 is way too much) and my 1200gph overflow. It is under my 150 with a 10g sump (ya I know it is small but my stand is very crampped underneath...I didn't build it). What can I do to help quiet the overflow supplies to the sump wo compromising flow?? Right now they just "dump" into the sump. I have thought about lining the inside of the stand with foam or something to deaden the sound.. Also, what are your suggestions for getting a bigger sump under my tank? A 10g barely squeezes in throught the door and there is no access from the back. I have thought about getting another 10g and having the 2 tanks drilled to accept a 2" pipe to connect the two. Thanks for any suggestionshelp....