Sump or Filter???


a 200 glass tank or 240 glass tank will filters be fine or should i make a sump??
which is better to use??
and whats the big deal about a sump? are they the best thing to have or do people have them just because the size of there tanks?? clueless about it please help comments apprieciated


Active Member
i use a sump it adds more water volume which makes it better in case something goes wrong whatever it is it's at least diluted but the most benefiscial is aplace to put your skimmer your heater any u.v you might have it hides all your added equipment so you don't have to see it plus you can add a fuge for benefiscial algaes to keep copepods and keep the nitrates in check overall a very good piece of equipment to have...tobin


A sump is basically an area separate from your tank where beneficial bacteria can grow. Much of the bacteria responsible for "natural" filtration cannot THRIVE in your main tank. In a sump you are creating an area of low light, low flow, excessive surface area (usually through bio balls), and no predators. The bacteria, copepods, and detritus eaters that survive in your sump or refugium are what convert ammonia to nitrates and eventually to nitrites and harmless gases. It's a complicated process that I still do not yet fully understand. But suffice it to say that with a tank that large I think everyone on these boards will probably recommend a sump.


thank you so much for your comments i still am confused about it but i understand it a little lol is there anywhere there is maybe a picture or a little layout of the whole sump??
and maybe how to hook it up or at least an idea of it?