Sump or Hagen External Filter


New Member
I ahve a 30 gallon tank,1 pb tang,1 common clown,1 blue damsel,1 dottyback and 1 anemone
some LR and coral sand.using currently Hagen Internal Filter and hang on Skimmer.
Should I go for sump and discard the inetrnal filter. If I were to construct myself-can anyone
show me how to build a sump?
New hobbyist.


New Member
Thanks Ed for the reply. I just love this site.
I live in Malaysia where there are few hobbyists
to exchange ideas.The LFS here are not very helpful. They thrive on your ignorance so that you
keep going back to buy treatments etc.They are
unwilling to share their "knowledge"!
If i were to covert the 30gall into a sump how big
ideally would my display be? BTW my powder blue
tang doesn't seem to want to consume commercial
granules but just algae in the tank. Any cause for worry? Tried giving vegetables-to no avail!