Sump or no sump? That is the question.

Im going to start either a 40 or 29 gallon reef tank. Will I need a sump? Give me at least 2 reasons if i should other than for a refugium, hiding equipment and for extra water volume.


Active Member
That's could be debated forever, but I'd opt for a sump....Yes can hide your equipment, and extra water volume, but also the sump could be a safe haven for a picked on fish, expandable filtration area. I have the opinion that having a sump makes it safer and easier if your dosing that your dosing through the sump and the solution can be diluted and slowly added to the DT instead of a max dosing in the tank. Water changes I feel are easier done through the sump; gives things a chance to mix outside the DT. Just my .02


Active Member
“refugium, hiding equipment and for extra water volume.” What more reason do you need? How about someone to clean the tank for you

Reverse photo period if you had a refugium


Originally Posted by acrylic51
That's could be debated forever, but I'd opt for a sump....Yes can hide your equipment, and extra water volume, but also the sump could be a safe haven for a picked on fish, expandable filtration area. I have the opinion that having a sump makes it safer and easier if your dosing that your dosing through the sump and the solution can be diluted and slowly added to the DT instead of a max dosing in the tank. Water changes I feel are easier done through the sump; gives things a chance to mix outside the DT. Just my .02


There is no reason not to have a sump.
Deep sand bed/refugium is extremely beneficial.
Increased oxygenation of the water flowing and having more surface area air contact
Nutrient reduction from macro algae
less algae in display tank because it grows in the fuge instead.
The list is almost endless.... i'll add more later.


Well-Known Member
The down side of an sump is floods.
Sure you can setup it up where that is rare but still it is possible.
An in tank refugium would prevent that.
my .02