Sump or refugium that is the question?



I am looking at inception of setting up a 155 reef, My past experience is limited to a 30 gal reef using external cannister filter, and hang on tank skimmer. All apparatus hanging off my 30 looks like he_ _ but the tank is doing pretty good. I recently purchased an All Glass 155 bow that the previous owner had ditched the Mega flow sump filter system for in favor for two large cannister filters. The tank has the overflows and bulkheads already in place on the bottom of the tank, just have been capped off. In other words I can go just about any direction, looking for advice. Also recommend external or in sump or refugium pump? I am extremely mechanically inclined so don't be afraid to recommend some involved plumbing if that is what it will take. Are there any brands of sumps/fuges that you recommend? Or am I better off piecemilling the job?
Thanks in advance.Todd


I say if you are mechanically inclined build it your self. I built my sump/fuge out of a 55 gal tank and put it under my 100 gal reef ready. and I ran a mag drive return pump. Straight simple and to the point.


Thanks for the reply!! I do have a 55 gal tank in the garage that I could use. Can you forward pictures or some plans to show me what you did?
Thanks in advance Todd


Active Member
There are tons of good threads on here as far as building a sump. It is the way to go. A 55 gallon would make a great sump!


Here are pics of my 100RR with 55gal sump/fuge. If I were going to buy one it would just depend on what I wanted but there is a guy you can google DFW marine society named marc (melvs reef) that has a lot of information and is a supper nice guy and he can tell you a lot :thinking:



O.K., I think you have me convinced to go ahead and build my own, looks pretty straight forward. Heres my other thought. I am considering actually placing the 55 gallon fuge in my basement and plumbing through the floor with the supply and return lines. Skimmer in the middle or on the end? Also what are the approximate dimensions of the chambers in relation to a standard 55, width, height of baffles? I am considering a Mag drive 36, which will give me appx 23-2400 gph flow @ 10' head