sump overflow question


that water line is alot higher than what the overflow says to run it at, the crusty waterline is above the tall pipe but the sticker thats says adjust water level to this line is just above the short pipe. so im thinkin they had it hooked up wrong when they had it.


Active Member
Ah, yes. That is what I thought. So, contacting the old owner is out. Yea, I was thinking it looked like the water line was up around the other pipe. It looked like it was run high.
Can you maybe get some more detailed pics of the inside?


Active Member
Boy, I wonder if there is supposed to be a pre filter spong there. In between the two. I don't see how it would attach though.


Active Member
I can't find anything on this box. So, the cap. Can water flow up under it and into the pipe? I am wondering if it is some kind of one off manufactured stockman drain. If the answer is no, Then I would loose the cap and if you figure it out later cool, if not no big deal. I would run your box Herbie style. Let the shorter one become a siphon and the taller one will just catch what you choke the shorter one down to not handle. 5-10% of the flow. So, in your flex line you will need to install a ball valve near the end.
I hope that makes sense.

eric b 125

it does look like it could operate like a stockman. if i were you i would play around with it in the water. see what the overflow box does when you run it open, and then occlude the drain and see what the "plunger" side does with the water flow.

eric b 125

with that airline coming from it, i wonder if it's supposed to work as a standpipe somehow...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eric B 125
with that airline coming from it, i wonder if it's supposed to work as a standpipe somehow...
Right, I just wasn't sure how. I can not find this OF box on the net. Just to see if/how this was supposed to work.