Sump plumbing help needed!


Hi all,
I am redesigning my sump and I need some help figuring out the plumbing. I have a 125g corner flow (2 overflow boxes, 1 in each corner) and I'm debating how I should run the drain lines from the tank.
My current setup is pictured below. I am not happy with it at all. I am going to build a new sump, modled after the "F Series on Melves Reef. Should I run a drain from one side to the fuge chamber, and one to the skimmer section, or should they both go in to the skimmer section?
Any help would be appreciated.
Current (useless) design - 55g glass tank:


Active Member
I was going to say the fuge should be on the other side where the return pump is located......I would split 1 of the drains to feed the fuge separately....What else aren't you happy with?


Originally Posted by acrylic51
I was going to say the fuge should be on the other side where the return pump is located......I would split 1 of the drains to feed the fuge separately....What else aren't you happy with?

The skimmer being in the pump (return?) section. The water level fluctuates in that section and I have to continuously adjust the skimmer. I have an ATO device on order to help, but I think I should start over with a better design. I know the level will still fluctuate in the return section regardless, but I want the skimmer in an area with a constant level.


Active Member
Levels in the return area shouldn't fluctuate very much if any......I push tons of flow through my sump and get very little if any fluctuation, unless I play with the skimmer......My skimmer doesn't draw from the tank, but by lowering or raising the water height in the skimmer body, I can dump water quicker back to the sump or hold it in the skimmer longer lowering the water height....


Where does evaporation take its toll on your system? The other 2 chambers on my current setup are always at the same level. It's hard to tell from my awesome drawing that the skimmer is in the sump, not HOB.


Active Member
I would feed the fuge from the drain line of the tank......The evaporation takes place noticably in my return section of my sump.......The way your describing your level is bouncing up and down constantly........I flow a high flow, and top off is controlled by a Tunze top off unit, which doesn't let it deviate to far from the preset top off limit.....Maybe another option is to have an Auto Top Off to control fluctuation as well.


Thanks. Sorry... I didn't mean my return level changes like by the minute. Just from evaporation, which is usually a gallon or so a day.
On the drain line... Wouldn't that cause detrius/debris to go directly in to the fuge? Or is that the point? I'll have LR and macro algea in the fuge, and maybe some snails or hermits.
Thanks again


Active Member
I don't think you'll have major issues with detrius....Most people feed their fuge straight off the drain.....Some of the rawest water possible, just like feeding your skimmer off the drain to get the rawest water possible.


Active Member
I agree, feed the fuge directly from the drain. Split your drains into two and have one into the skimmer chamber and one into the fuge and thus avoid any T unions. Cut the return line going to the fuge and you are set.


So I shouldn't T off of the drain in to the fuge section? I've been reading a lot the past few days and for systems that drain in to a fuge, they recommend 75% of the water go to the skimmer section and the rest to the fuge.
Other say to T off of the return pump with a spray bar in the fuge. This stuff can get very confusing with so many different opinions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
So I shouldn't T off of the drain in to the fuge section? I've been reading a lot the past few days and for systems that drain in to a fuge, they recommend 75% of the water go to the skimmer section and the rest to the fuge.
Other say to T off of the return pump with a spray bar in the fuge. This stuff can get very confusing with so many different opinions.
YOu are right in that there are as many different ways to do this as there are sumps.

With the T in some setups, there is only one inflow line from the display tank (DT) so they divide it 75/25. With yours, you have two seperate inflows from DT so you would essentially have a 50/50 flow.
I am not a fan of the spray bar in fuges. I like a nice gentle flow through it with plenty of rocks to make things random and for critters and algae to live in/on.
If you really want to get technical, you would have one inflow go directly to sump and the other with a T going to fuge and to sump so you would get the 75/25 mix.
Hope this helps clear things up a bit.


Thaks for the help everyone. I think the design below is what I am going to go with. The drains going in to the skimmer obviously won't be that high above the water level. I am going to use 90's on the ends and have half of the fitting out of the water to allow for air to escape and cut down on bubbles. Either that or I'll incorporate some kind of vent pipe on the drain lines.


what pump are you using for your return? i like your set up.


Originally Posted by crash&burn
what pump are you using for your return? i like your set up.
Not sure on the brand, but it's a 1200 gph model. The DT is 125g.