Sump Project


New Member
Okaaay. . . I have a tall glass tank I would like to use as a refugium and I am thinking of using a plastic tub (if I can find one that fits well) as the sump area. Is there a way to have the water flow from the refugium into the pump area without drilling holes in the tank??
I drew my idea out in Paint. Mind you, it is not to scale by any means. . .


Active Member
from that setup, drill is the only way to do it reliable. Siphon and pumping both lead to problems. since you are now forced to try to equalize the water exiting vs the water draining in.
Drill a hole and that will solve it. Or you can fasion a rim to raise it all around, and leave a small mouth peice on one end where it can spill over. thats just over complicating things.
Drill the glass, its not that hard actually. Glassholes dat com sells kits for like $15. can keep your eyes peel on CL for a used tank, and convert one end for a skimmer the other for a fuge:

My return chamber is in the middle on this one.
I payed $20 for this 55g. And another $20 in glass panels at lows. Some silicone, and voila! I had a 55g sump/fuge for under $60


New Member
Ahh! Good idea! That may be much easier. I was trying to use stuff I already had, but you're right in that it will become far more complicated.
Next question: For a 55gal tank, how big would my sump tank need to be?


Well-Known Member
Why not use a plastic tub for the refugium also. Wall mart had 30g tube for like $10 or so last year.
Then you can drill a hole near the top of the refug with no problems.
my .02

gill again68

Active Member
Check out for sump design. He does a great job of explaining it all. As far as size goes a 20 would be great but if you want larger then go for it. Like beaslbob said you can do it cheap and be just as good. I went with a glass just because the tubes bow out. Thats another .02 on top of .02 for a total of .04


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Check out for sump design. He does a great job of explaining it all. As far as size goes a 20 would be great but if you want larger then go for it. Like beaslbob said you can do it cheap and be just as good. I went with a glass just because the tubes bow out. Thats another .02 on top of .02 for a total of .04

yes the tubs to bow out and that can be a real problem.
On my 55g I just crammed in one for and aft and the stand held the sides in place.
On another I used the lid bolted in place and cut the center of the lid away. that helped.
now another .02 on your .04 for a total of .06


Active Member
Originally Posted by GingerFish
Next question: For a 55gal tank, how big would my sump tank need to be?
whatever you want. You dont NEEEEED a sump. or a fuge. Its just something nice to have. Rule of thumb says about %20.
I happened to pair my 125DT with a 55sump because thats what stumbled into my lap. Taht siad, go with what works. I nice 40g breeder would fit snugly under a stand that would hold a 55g.
Since your local with me, have you been to our local site?
Youlee meet lots of guys in the seattle area who sell all the time. We even have a for sale section for livestock and equipment. Smoking deals left and right. Gimme a few min, I think I saw someone selling a used fuge for like $75.


Active Member
** 75.00 ** Eshoppe sump/refugium 30" by 14" very nice worked well with my set up. very clean and holds water well. Over flow will come with it as well. I dropped it when I first got it and had to repair. Works beautifully, I have the airlifter that goes with it as well.
Offer him $60 and see if he bites. Its been up for a while.
Ill PM you directions.


Well-Known Member
If you want to go with plastic style storage container that are easy to drill and won't bow out try looking into the Quantum containers/bins. They are made for industrial use and are stackable which means they are very heavy duty and can hold a lot of weight. The blue was like $22 and the gray one I think was $13...but they have all different sizes and styles.
Just a little FYI
