sump pumps


I finally bought a new DT this weekend. it is drilled and has all the plumbing for the sump. now just looking to find a decent sump pump. and looking for a good pump at a decent price plumbing that came with the tank is rated for 750gph. any thoughts or suggestions?
it is a 75 gal tank with drilled over flow kit, the sump is going to be a 40 gal breeder tank going to have a few projects that i am going to build into this tank with fuge and filtration(still working on a lay out and once i get that done i will be posting to see what you guys think)
thanks in advance!


I've never heard the term "sump pump" but assume it's a return pump. When I had a 75, I used an Ocean Runner 2500 for the return. I liked it-quiet and reliable.


i would look to a mag 7 or 9.5. it will depend on how high you are going with it, and how much your drains can handle.


yes you are correct a return pump is what it is. i am thinking of going with the quiet one 3000 with the head loss it should work out just fine.
thanks for the thoughts ladies and gents