Sump Q


New Member
Iam planning on making my own sump and i was wondering if the return pumphas to return at the same rate the overflow box takes it down?


Well the overflow runs as fast as your returne pump. So the pump must be rated lower <gph than your overflow!

mr . salty

Active Member
Always have your return smaller than the supply.That way your pretty much sure of a balance.If the pump over powers the drain,you can add another syphon or another drain from the overflo box. Mine has two- one inch,and one- halph inch draining to keep up with the single one inch return line. I guess I overdid it when I got my pump.But it moves alot of water.....STEVE


All I can say is if your overflow is rated for 500gph your return pump needs to push at least 300gph after a 4 foot head. The 4 ft head is the average distance from sump to tank. Also for every 90 degree elbow in the plumbing you need to add a foot of head to compinsate. If you run too small of a return pump you run the risk of losing the syphon in your overflow box. Follow the directions that comes with the box. Lifereef makes a really nice box. It's worth every penny.


New Member
Look at it this way, the only way water can leave your tank and return to the sump is if water is pumped into the tank. Your overflow rate is the same as your fill rate. Water will flow out at the exact same rate as your pump returns it as long as there are now restrictions leaving the tank- I guess you could pump too fast back to your tank but that is generally not the case.