Sump Question


Hello...I have a 80 DT and want to put a 29 Gak sump/fuge. I found this drawing of a sump here on this forum and had a few questions. The orig drawing had 2 inlet and 2 oulet pipes, can I get away with 1 inlet and 1 oulet? And why is there a breakoff from the return pipe back into the fuge area? Totally new to sumps so please forgive if it sounds stupid :notsure:


yes, you can use 1 drain and 1 return for your tank. You would use 2 if you needed more flow or turnover. The reason for the t-off of the return is to be able to cut back the return so it doesn't overflow your drain. Like if your return pump was returning more water than your drain could handle. Some people just put a valve after the pump and turn the valve if necessary. Others believe that placing a valve after the pump will cause undue head pressure on the pump shortening its life so they put the t-off to the sump. Those individuals believe that placing the valve there, will allow them to control the amount of water returned to the tank without the undue head pressure on the pump.


Sure, I like the setup on this drawing and will probaly use it. I am going to pick up all the stuff probally on Tuesday. My chiller comes in on Friday so I will need to get plumbing for that as well and incorporate it into the sump. Call me.